Server Maintenance 03/04/2015

There were several server restarts today completing the unintended issues from yesterday's maintenance.

Cookie Factory Event has ended!
  • The portals of the cookie factory have been closed and can't be entered anymore
  • The Cookie Factory NPCs have been removed

Cookie Ingredients Event
  • Monsters drop a box with cookie ingredients when killed which contains
    • 1x Flour
    • 1x Powdered Sugar
    • 1x Butter
    • 1x Almond Piece
    • 1x Chocolate Piece
    • 1x Stick
    • 1x Marshmellow
    • 1x Milk
    • 3x Valentine Recipe Box
  • you can use the ingredients to either "bake" a cookie or to exchange the ingredients for the following boxes:
    • Nostalgia Weapon Box
    • Nostalgia Cape Box (Warrior)
    • Nostalgia Wing Box (Magician)
    • Nostalgia Quiver Box (Archer)
    • Nostalgia Muffler Box (Thief)
  • You can obtain one of the above boxes by exchanging it at the vending machine for:
    • 10x Gada Coin
    • 10x Fluor
    • 10x Butter
    • 10x Powdered Sugar
    • 5x Valentine Recipe Box

Additional changes were made to the Big Wheel and Mix Board contents. You can find out more details at:

03-04-2015 Maintenance Notes

Thank you

Policy Update: Multi-Clienting

It seems our announced change in policy yesterday regarding Multi-clienting has caused more concern than we had intended it to.

We hope to clear up a few points as it could have been worded better. The policy was put in place to prevent players from severely abusing multiple clients. These are players who have clearly created a large number of accounts and characters just for the sole purpose of auto gathering in Port of Winds Farm.

The policy will be changed to affect players using multiple clients for abusive behavior in Port of Winds Farm.

For the other maps such as dungeons, missions, etc. We do have a team of GM members testing players in game. If you make the decision to use multiple clients to control the characters and a GM decides to test you in game, a immediate reply is required from the character being tested. There is no excuse for the character to be moving around and not respond to a GM's message or tests. If you need to type a message in all chat, please do so.

Unsuccessfully completing the GM's test will result in the team flagging the account as a 3rd party program user. As mentioned in our Terms of Service, it is strictly prohibited and will result in the suspension of the account.

Policy Update: Multi-Clienting

Due to an increase in the report and abuse of muti-clienting in Port of Winds Farm. The decision has been made to prohibit the use of multi-clienting on that map. If you are witnessed logged in with multiple characters farming. You will be subjected to investigation. There will be no additional warnings and will be considered a violation of the Terms of Service.

If you suspect a player of taking advantage of this. Submit a ticket with screenshots of the player's name and The Support Team will look into it.

Server Maintenance at 3:00PM PST Wednesday! 10/08/2014~

Item Rotations for Halloween... Dragon Saga Players~

At 3:00PM PST(10/08), we will be doing a Server Maintenance for Dragon Saga. Expecting changes to the Item Mall and BigWheel/MixBoard for Halloween.

Once again, at 3:00PM PST! Thanks so much for your cooperation and patience.
Item Mall
  • The Ghost Buster's Set was added to the MixBoard for a Limited Time! I ain't afraid of no Ghosts!
  • Punk Look Set has been added to the BigWheel!
  • Legendary Magician's Outfit has been added to the MixBoard for a Limited Time!
  • Surprise Bear Outfit has been added to the BigWheel!
  • Vegabond Set has been added to the BigWheel!
  • Japanese Suit Set has been added to the MixBoard for a Limited Time!
  • Tuna Gasha Box has been added to the Item Mall for a Limited Time!

  • Coming Soon! This Week~

Want updates on all the new content coming out this Fall? Check out our Official Dragon Saga Facebook for all the details!

Server Maintenance at 3:00PM PST! 10/01/2014~

One week left for Watermelons... Dragon Saga Players~

At 3:00PM PST(10/01), we will be doing a Server Maintenance for Dragon Saga. More Events, changes to the Item Mall and MixBoard/BigWheel! Details to come.

Once again, at 3:00PM PST! Thanks so much for your cooperation and patience.

This week~(10/1)
Item Mall
  • Halloween Gasha Box has been added for the season. It has a chance to yield a Random Halloween Mount or Skill +1 Scroll or Other Random Consumables. Check it out~

Current Week~(9/24)

  • A Monster Spawn Event! A Watermelon monster will randomly spawn outside town maps (along with server announcement). This Event will be ending on October 1st, 2014!
  • The Monster has a chance of dropping...
  • 1x Sunflower
  • 1x Stone Age Bone Mask
  • 1x Gold Specter
  • 1x Carrot Nose Glasses
  • 1x Summer Event Box – Contains Sovereign Sunflower set costume
  • 1x Giant Sunflower Hairpin
  • More Events...
  • A 2X EXP Event will be active all week long! (9/24~10/1) Please to Enjoy~
  • Lastly, all Soulcraft Randomizers used from today till server down next Wednesday(10/1) will be returned to the characters after maintenance. So use up all your Randomizers this week!

Item Mall

  • Phoenix Mount Gasha Boxes will be on sale for this week only! Check it out~
  • Apollo Galaxia Set has been added to the MixBoard for a Limited Time!
  • Sovereign Fleur Set has been added to the MixBoard for a Limited Time!

Want updates on all the new content coming out this Fall? Check out our Official Dragon Saga Facebook for all the details!