Maintenance Notice 10/26/2015

There will be a short Maintenance today 10/26/2015 at 15:00 Server time. This will be a quick server restart to implement a hot fix for the Element Extraction Tutorial quest.

Maintenance Notice 15:00 Server Time

There will be a short maintenance today, 10/16/2015 at 15:00 Server Time to fix some minor issues in the game.

Thank you for your patience.

Server Restart 10/8/2015

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!

There will be a brief server restart today, 10/8/2015 at 15:00 Server time to implement a small fix.

The restart should take about 30 minutes.

Important Notice 4-12-2015

We appreciate everyone's patience during this weekend's extended down time. We are now ready to open the servers back up.

There is an important information we must share before you log into the game.

On 4/11 early morning, our User DB and Back up DB encountered a critical error which didn't allow in-game data to be saved. Upon further investigation, we found out that its data and its logs have been corrupted for days before this happened. Unfortunately, as a result, all character related in-game data has been rolled back to 3/28 1:06AM PDT. We will be adding all Item Mall points spent back to the accounts, but due to the volume of data during this lost period, most in-game items/levels achieved cannot be restored. We will be adding bonus rates and bonus items as compensation.

Please visit here for details on compensation events.

We apologize for the great inconvenience this has caused, we will be trying our best to make sure no such incident occurs again.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us by submitting a support ticket.

Thank you.

Kraben Dragon Saga Producer

Server Maintenance 03/18/2015

  • Nostalgia Event has ended
    • All Nostalgia Boxes have been removed
    • The Cookie Ingredient Box drop has ended

  • Soulcrafting Event
    • The soulcrafting success rate has been increased until the next week's server maintenance

  • Insurance Scroll Login Event
    • While you are logged in you will get an Insurance Scroll every 20 minutes, up to 3 per day
    • It can be obtained by any Human or Dragokin Character from Lvl. 25+

  • Insurance Scroll Sale
    • Insurance Scrolls in the Item Mall are 20% off!
    • You now can get 10 Scrolls for 80 IM Points instead of 100!

Additonal Changes have been made to
  • Bigwheel
  • Mixboard
  • Vending Machine

Item Mall Changes include
  • Added Pink Flix Mount for a limited time
  • Added Pink School Look Set

Finally: The rest duration display of buffs and potions have been improved.

You can find out more details at:

03-18-2015 Maintenance Notes

Thank you