Server Restart 05/04/2016 [Complete]

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!

There will be a Server Restart on 05/04/2016 at 15:00 Server Time!

Update: The Server Restart is complete at this time!

Maintenance Notice 04/29/2016

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!

There will be a maintenance occurring that will affect all Warpportal games on 04/29/2016 starting at 2:00 - 5:00 Server Time. During this time you may experience high latency and disconnections from games. Thank you for your patience regarding this matter.

Server Maintenance 04/27/2016 [Complete]

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!

The weekly server maintenance will occur at 10:00 Server Time on 04/27/2016! Patch Notes will be posted before the maintenance is complete.

Quick Server Maintenance 04/21/2016 [Complete]

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!

There will be a quick server maintenance today 04/21/2016 at 15:00 Server Time to add several sale items that were not implemented with yesterdays maintenance. We will update further once the maintenance is complete.

Update: The server is back up! Please update your game to patch version 0.4.65!

Server Maintenance 04/20/2016 [Complete]

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!

Our Weekly Server Maintenance will be 04/20/2016 starting at 15:00 Server Time! Patch Notes will be posted before the maintenance is complete.