Quick Server Maintenance 04/14/2016 [Complete]

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
There will be a quick Server Maintenance today, 04/14/2016 at 15:00 Server Time to make some fixes to some of the changes implemented yesterday!

Update: The server is back up!
Please update your client to Patch Version 0.4.59!
Updates: "Flinch" effect has been removed from x-attack only. The special chain combo effects (such as launching, etc) are working again!

Dragon Saga Lets Play Livestream!


Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
We will be Livestreaming Dragon Saga today (4/13/2016) at 10:00 Server Time on twitch.tv/warpportal!
Join CM Dragonlark and CM Oda as they run through our last day of Easter Cherry Blossom Adventures in game and on twitch!

Miss the weekly Dragon Saga Lets Play Livestream? Want to watch it again? All our Livestream videos can be found on the Warpportal Youtube Channel.

Server Maintenance 04/13/2016

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
Our weekly Server Maintenance will be on 04/13/2016 at 15:00 Server Time! Patch Notes will be posted before the maintenance is complete!

Dragon Talk: A New Monthly Dragon Saga Livestream!


Hello Dragon Saga Friends!

Want to hear about all the new awesome stuff being worked on for Dragon Saga this month? Well get ready, we are launching a new Dragon Saga Livestream on Tuesday, 04/12/2016 at 10:00 Server Time! Dragon Talk is going to be a new segment we have at the beginning of every month on our twitch channel, where our Dragon Saga Producer Alteris will go over what the Dragon Saga Team is currently working on, and has planned for the game!

This weeks livestream will also feature some sneak peek preview images of what the team is looking to add to Dragon Saga!

And like all of our livestreams, if you cannot make it during the event, you can always catch it on the Warpportal Youtube Channel after! We will be sure to post a link to the Youtube Video once it is up!

Quick Server Maintenance 04/07/2016 [Complete]

Please know we will be having a quick server maintenance on 04/07/2016 at 15:00 Server Time to resolve some minor errors found in game. Thank you for your patience regarding this matter. Expected downtime is 15 - 30 minutes.
Update: The maintenance is complete! Servers are back up at this time!