Emergency Server Maintenance 05/20/2016 [Complete]

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!

Please know that the game is undergoing an emergency maintenance due to an issue with the server that began this morning. Thank you for your patience at this time, we will update further as soon as possible.

Update : The servers are back up and the database is saving the progress. The progress has been rolled back to 8:45 Server Time, just before the issue started. On Monday, 5/23 we will have a 2.0x EXP boost. In behalf of the whole Dragon Saga Staff we would like to say thanks to everyone for your patience and your understanding.

Server Maintenance 05/18/2016 [Complete]

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!

The weekly server maintenance will occur at 15:00 Server Time on 05/18/2016! Patch Notes will be posted before the maintenance is complete.

Dragon Saga Let's Play Livestream! 05/11/2016


Hello Dragon Saga Friends!

Join CM Dragonlark and CM Oda in our weekly Dragon Saga Let's Play Livestream, today 05/11/2016 at 10:00 Server Time.

Swordsmany is getting very close to level 40, and we are focusing mainly on burning through those hero quests! Join us in game and in chat on our Twitch Channel: twitch.tv/warpporal!

Server Maintenance 05/11/2016 [Complete]

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!

The weekly server maintenance will occur at 15:00 Server Time on 05/11/2016! Patch Notes will be posted before the maintenance is complete.

Dragon Saga Let's Play Livestream 05/04/2016


Hello Dragon Saga Friends!

Join CM Dragonlark and CM Oda for another Dragon Saga Let's Play today, 05/04/2016 at 10:00 Server Time on twitch.tv/warpportal!
Last they played, Swordsmany was getting very close to level 40. Will today be the day he starts on his journey to a job change? Find out, on this weeks Dragon Saga Livestream!