Weekly Server Maintenance 03/02/2016

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
We will be having our weekly server maintenance tomorrow, 03/02/2016 at 15:00 Server Time! Patch Notes will be posted prior to the maintenance completion!

[Complete] Server Maintenance 02/12/2016

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!

Please be advised, there will be a short server maintenance on 2/12/2016 at 15:00 Server Time to fix a small issue in game.

Thank you for your patience regarding this matter. Update:

Servers are up and running

Please update your game to version 0.4.39!


- Fixed a small bug -
- Added a new NPC at Port of the Winds -

While we are working on a solution for the temporary restrictions on IM Consumables you can go to NPC Harvey and trade silver coins with him for the following:

Enchant Insurance Scroll - 10 Silver Coins
Reinforced Enchant Insurance Scroll - 12 Silver Coins
Good Shop License - 20 Silver Coins
Soulcraft Randomizer - 35 Silver Coins
Pet Option Randomizer - 40 Silver Coins
W-Coin - 100 Silver Coins

Please know that all of these items are fully restricted - including the account vault restriction. Also to prevent abuse we had to account vault restrict the Silver Coins too.

- Daily Quest "Scroll down a bit..." -

As a compensation for the inconvenience while we are working on a solution for the temporary restrictions we re-activated the Quest "Scroll down a bit..."

From Level 40+ you can get 2 [Event] Enchant Insurance Scrolls and 1 [Event] Reinforced Enchant Insurance Scroll daily by just talking to NPC Gato in Port of the Winds

Thank you for your patience and enjoy the weekend. Happy Leveling.

Important Announcement


Hello Everyone,

As some of you log into Dragon Saga, you will see that many of the recent Cash Shop items that were able to be posted on to the Open Market, Trade and Mail Attachments have been suddenly restricted. This was done in response to combat some threatening practices done by people who are using fraudulent methods to hurt Dragon Saga. What these abusers are doing is purchasing extremely large volumes of cash shop items, selling them for extremely low amounts of gold and then charging the purchase back. This is done by cancelling the charge with their payment service. These same abusers will use that gold to RMT. This floods the market with items that essentially costs the abusers nothing to list, and makes it hard for legit players to sell legit Cash Shop items at legit prices. Not only is this hurting your game economy, but these chargebacks are a huge financial burden for Dragon Saga.

We hope that this restriction will only need to be in place for a short time while we work on other methods to resolve this painful issue. We are very sorry that a very few rotten people has ruined what so many players enjoy doing.

We thank you guys for your continued support and patience and we really appreciate your continued dedication and enjoyment to Dragon Saga.

The staff and I are working very hard to make Dragon Saga more enjoyable as we go on, and hope that this issue will be just a bump in our developmental road.

- Dragon Saga Staff

[Complete]Emergency Server Maintenance 1/11/2016

The Server has been taken down at this time for an Emergency Server Maintenance so the team can fix server errors that started earlier this morning on 1/11/2016. We will update with further information as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

[Complete]Server Maintenance 12/30/2015


Hello Dragon Saga Friends

There is a short Server Maintenance happening today, 12/30/2015 at 11:00AM PST

With this maintenance, the following changes are being implemented:

• Backend improvements for login issues.

• Add Trade Chat Blocking function.

• Bug Fix for Piggy Balloon which gave it no stats.

We will update this notice as soon as the maintenance is complete.