Patch Notes v.0.1.61


**Player Appreciation Month Continues(8/10~9/6) *Details on Dragon Saga Website and Facebook *
  • Week 3 event will be revealed.
  • Daily Raffle Event: New Week 3 Costume
  • Level Up Event: Every 5th level receives a gift
  • GM Random Giveaways: Be active and have a chance at being rewarded with cool items!
  • Invite a Friend Event: Invite friends to earn Item Mall Points
  • Turn Back the Clock Event Continues: Ends
** Dragon Saga Mount Creation Contest(8/24~9/13) *Details coming soon*
Create a mount and be one of the first to obtain a Riding Pet or other prizes during New Origins

- Pre-patch adjustments for New Origins Update.
- In-game text changes.

For more detailed patch notes and to discuss this week's patch please join us on the forums..

Patch Notes v.0.1.60


- Player Appreciation Month Continues(8/10~9/6) *Details on Dragon Saga Website and Facebook *
Week 2 event will be revealed.
Daily Raffle Event: New Week 2 Costume
Level Up Event: Every 5th level receives a gift
GM Random Giveaways: Be active and have a chance at being rewarded with cool items!
Invite a Friend Event: Invite friends to earn Item Mall Points
Turn Back the Clock Event Continues: Last week to get items extended!

- Soul Extractor Capsules display incorrect stat. Will be fixed in a future update.
- Paladin Skill: Offensive Aura changed to Defensive Aura
- Anukus and Dark Soul set items for Wizard and Monk fixed.
- Pre-patch adjustments for New Origins Update.
- In-game text changes.

For more detailed patch notes and to discuss this week's patch please join us on the forums..

Patch Notes v.0.1.58 & 1.59


- Player Appreciation Month(8/9~9/6)
We would like to show our appreciation for the support of our users with many events.
- WP Energy Transfer Event Ended(7/27~8/5)
All prizes have been distributed.
- Race to 75 Event Ended(7/20~7/29)
Prizes will be distributed within the week.

- Soulshifting level changed to -0 to +10. All previous items that were shifted will be adjusted after further discussion with Gravity Games.

- Large Font Text and Emoticon cannot be used in-game or by Megaphone. Error message will only be seen by user.
- Pre-patch adjustments for New Origins Update.
- In-game text changes.
-Items of the week will change Thursday evening instead of Friday afternoon.
For more detailed patch notes and to discuss this week's patch please join us on the forums..

WarpPortal August Anniversary Celebration!


The WarpPortal has just finished celebrating its 1 year anniversary and we are going to celebrate with all our players! Throughout August the WarpPortal is going to be giving away prizes and promotions to as many players as we possibly can, below is a list of all our planned contests and promotions and how you can participate.

I. Earn a Bonus Item August 1 - 31st

Throughout August, WarpPortal Accounts that Purchase 3000+ WPE during a week will earn a bonus Game item for their most often played Game! Every Friday we will look at past weeks sales and distribute the items to the appropriate Game accounts via our normal in-game distribution methods. Accounts may qualify multiple times a week too!

The Bonus Items for each game:

II. Play for a chance to Win!

Beginning August 2nd through August 29th, we will track everyone's play time and activities in the Games, and every day of participation an account gets entered into that Games Drawing for special game prizes! Every Tuesday we will select 3 winners from each game to win; August 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th will be our drawing days! So to qualify be sure to login and play for a couple of hours and fights some monsters and you will have your automatic entry into the next drawing!

The prizes for each game:

III. Sign up to Win!

Everyone that is signed up for our Newsletter by August 31 will automatically receive 200 WPE to use on any game they wish! Those WPE will expire by September 30, so be sure to consume them before then! You can be sure you receive your special gift by Logging into the WarpPortal and clicking the "edit" button and check the Box for Receiving Newsletter!

Limited Time ONLY: W-Coins 50% OFF

On Sale for a limited time!