We had several reporters on the scene to document the Sakura Event, here are the top 5 reports in no particular order:
#1 Reporter: Faithx
A week has passed since Chief Han Ro took over Haruka's Restaruant. For days, Dragon Saga warriors have battled evil sushi and noodles in hopes of averting Han Ro's plans to put Haruka out of business. However, just yesterday, I received breaking news that a team of elite Dragonicans finally defeated Chief Han Ro and chased him out of town. Haruka's restaurant and its employees have finally reached a state of peace. As a sign of gratitude, Haruka opened her restaurant to everyone for a day of free all-you-can-eat sushi and noodles.
Today, while eating a large bowl of vegetable udon, Haruka pulled me aside and told me that something new has come to haunt her restaurant. Knowing my superb creeper skills, she entrusted me in investigating this issue that has been unsettling her employees for days. I spoke to a few of the employees and almost all the females told me that they "constantly felt eyes staring at them." Sounds a bit creepy no? (Kind of like our local creeper, Thuy) But no. This is much more serious.
Before I began my investigation, I wanted a full tour of Haruka's home. Seeing as how Haruka couldn't give me the tour herself since she was always busy with restaurant business, I decided to start by walking around myself.
As I walked further in, I discovered two suspicious looking monkeys in a hot spring near the restaurant. Normally, this wouldn't be out of the ordinary since animals from the wild seemed to join in on the Sakura Festival fun all the time. But...one of the monkeys seemed to be staring intently at something...

Curious, I walked into the restaurant and went into the room that the monkey had been looking into and I discovered something very unsettling...
The monkey was actually a peeping tom! After finding out this news, I rushed back to Haruka to report my findings. Hopefully, she won't be too upset. Maybe she should invest in some curtains for her restaurant...
#2 Reporter: Vikkie
June 4, 2011
Dear Journal,
I pride myself in being the only journalist of Channel 2 Saga News to take on this dangerous task of the Restaurant crime. I will fully commit to this job and do my best to bring newsworthy information to the Dragon Saga community!
How will I tackle such a ridiculously impossible task you may ask? Well first, I interviewed the victim herself, Restaurant Owner Haruka! I was advised to procede with caution, according to the background check done on Haruka on 05/09/2011, she has quite the ego.
And booooooy were they right! Here are the results from the interview:
I believe I have accomplished a great deal today, and will continue my work tomorrow.
June 4, 2011
Dear Journal,
Today I decided, in the name of Channel 2 Saga News, to go straight to Haruka's Restaurant and see for myself how the evil Chef Han Ro was able to capture the restaurant and defeat the brave Dragon Saga-ians who have tried to come to Haruka's aid. Upon entering said establishment, I was immediately body-slammed onto the ground by hundreds of giant sized angry looking Onigiri!
My camera man Tony was able to snap a shot before running away and leaving me to fend for myself (Tony you are a pathetic excuse of a man! I hope you fall into a sack of homeless people's used underwear!):
I am currently suffering from a broken nose. I had to go to the hospital call it a day... But I am determined to meet the evil Chef Han Ro and interview him face to face!
Until tomorrow,
June 5, 2011
Dear Journal,
I have come up with a plan to pass the Onigiri guards! To pass the Onigiri, one must become the Onigiri. I worked all day on it, and finally my Onigiri costume was complete. After about 20 sacks of rice, a couple hundred packs of dried seaweed, and some very realistic looking paint, I have become the Onigiri.
I thought it'd make a great Facebook profile pic.. SayCheeeeeeese!
Tomorrow I will have my interview with Chef Han Ro!!
June 6, 2011
Dear Journal,
I have finally infiltrated the restaurant and met Chef Han Ro himself face to face. He ignored my appearance at first, as if I was one of his Onigiri-minions. Oh wait- that's because I still had my disguise on. So I took my costume off, rushed over to introduce myself and asked politely for an interview.
You'll never guess what his response was:
???a spanish-only speaking japanese sushi maker??? Curious indeed.
Unfortunately that was the only information I was able to get so far... but mark my words, I'll be back for more!
#3 Reporter: boudoux
It was a just an ordinary day, or so I thought, when suddenly as i walked in Port of Winds, I happen to see a very beautiful woman crying, her name was Haruka
At first I didn't know what to do, but then i reached out to her and asked what was wrong?!
She in a split of second came running towards me and gave me a big hug
I asked what bothers you my lady?
And then she replies me that an evil "Sushiman" known as Chef Han Ho has taken over her lovely restaurant for a week now, she doesn't knows what to do, then I thought i could help her, and that's what I've done.
I walk for almost an hour in order to get to her restaurant. From a distance everything was quiet and calm, but once i managed to get inside the restaurant i seen that things weren't as calm as i thought... Chef Han Ho stolen Dr. Farrell's blueprints, studied it and designed the most horrible thing I've ever seen with my own eyes
He were keeping baby sushies as prisoners and cloning them into sushi mutations!
The sushi's mom didn't know what to do, she couldn't handle taking care of so many babies, and that's where she asked me if i could help taking care of one of her babies, and i could not resist that cute little face, that's when i grabbed the baby sushi and i could not let go of it
Even though i was really happy that i had finally someone to take care of, I could not forget my mission. I had to stop that madness, Chef Han Ho had gone too far, my baby sushi thought so as well and he wasn't afraid of facing the evil Chef Han Ho, I was so proud of my baby sushi
We have been looking for Chef Han Ho for almost 25 minutes now, and still no sign of him, but we would not give up, Haruka needed us and so did the poor babies sushies and their mom.
After a while once we were at the bottom of the restaurant we started to hear noises, noises of sushies being chopped and sliced, i could not stand that anymore, so i entered the room shouting "Chef Han Ho, you must stop this madness NOW!", he snickered and looked down at me as if i were nothing.
And then i started fighting that evil with all my strength with my baby sushi by my side. After a while i was hurt and so were Chef Han Ho, then something out of the ordinary started to happen, Chef Han Ho had also connections with the wolves from the Den of Wolves, and started shapeshifting into a horrible and scary werewolf.

I thought it would be my end, but then I remembered that i had melted all my silver the night before, and so then i dipped my arrows into the silver and shoot as fast as i could on that abomination my arms were hurt; i had no strength left whatsoever; I was trembling out; and in a spite of second i shoot my last arrow, that for one pierced Chef Han Ho heart deeply and as he were falling into the ground so was i, hurt in pain but still alive, I can't say the same for Chef Han Ho.

I stood there lying on the ground unable to move, my baby sushi went out to call his mom to help me get out of the restaurant to get to Haruka so i could tell this story that you guys are reading right now. In the end i've done it, i'm really proud and happy that Haruka can now return safely to her restaurant and so was her, she could not quit thanking me, I said it was all good, but she was really happy and she offered me a beautiful Kimono as reward, I wanted it very badly because it was so cute, but that was a very fine piece and i wouldn't do this to her, but she kept insisting for me to have it... I couldn't say no, could I?
The End.
#4 Reporter: boudoux
It was morning and I walked in to Port of winds to look at the bulletin and saw Haruka.
Than I thought to myself "why is Haruka is here."
She saw me and said :

I couldn't say no to my old friend. So I said :
As I walked into the restaurant, I smelled fish all over the place.
I looked around and see sushi destroying the restaurant. I was in utter anger.
I defeated the crowd of sushi and a man in the shadows moved.
I said "Whose there ?" He said "Cheif Han Ro. I want you out of here !"
"NO" I said in anger. "I cannot broke my promise to Haruka !"
"GAHHHHH. I WILL KILL YOU !" He screamed.
We fought, and lastly, I summoned my wolf rush,
and he fell to the ground and disappeared into the shadows.
#5 Reporter: Rabidsmiles
When Sushi Attacks!
"A week has passed since Chef Han Ro took over Haruka's Restaurant. Many Dragon fellowship members have ventured into the Sakura Festival in hopes of defeating Chef Han Ro and his wicked Sushi army.
Despite the casualty rate, our brightest and bravest journalists also ventured into the field to chronicle the event for posterity sake! Now we go live to one of our brave reporters...Tansy?"
"Yes, This is Tansy reporting for the Dragon-Saga Saga! Here in Port of the Winds, a woman named Haruka, has asked the Dragon Fellowship of the surrounding cities to aid her in returning her restaurant to her ownership. Recently, a maddened chef by the name of Han Ro, has taken over the famous sushi restaurant and refused to leave despite the woman's protest and pleadings.
Here is Haruka now, Haruka what happened?

Kicked out of her own restaurant! Well, I have promised that I will see what I can do to help.
I stand at the entrance of Sakura Sushi. As I enter, I wonder if just I can help the poor woman get rid of the menace in the kitchen? It seems he has been using rather bad fish to make his sushi minions, as when I first enter the building I am immediately attacked! I know I must help her now so I clear the bottom level of the minions, using a little fire to cook the raw fishy minions into submission.

I stand at the stairs and wonder what has made Chef Han Ro so angry and upset? I wonder if he will listen to reason? Well, my answer was no. He proceeded to try to kill me! He chased me around the building as I tried to talk to him, to reason with him to leave. He threw a sushi ball bomb at me and tried to squish me.
I, sadly, had to turn to firing back at him and in the end I won. For now, her restaurant is safe.

We hope here at the Dragon-Saga Saga that Haruka and her restaurant can now serve the finest food in all of El Grego. The Dragon Fellowship vows to help ensure she can continue to run her business.
This has been Tansy with Dragon-Saga Saga channel 4 news. Back to you in the studio!"
To those Reporters above, contact Hastur on the forums with the name of the character you wish to receive your Costume on. The sooner you PM him, the sooner you'll get your prize!