Patch Notes v.0.1.47

- In-game text adjustments

- Continuation of Sakura Festival Event(5/26~6/23) .
- Photo Journal Contest Event(6/3~6/8)
Users or in-game journalists will take photos(screenshots) and report or recount their experience with Haruka and her Restaurant.
- - Mage level up weekend (6/3~6/5) .
Mages that job change into Monks or Wizards will receive a special coupon redeemable at Gato for a special package.

Item Mall
- Items of the Week Sale(6/3~6/10)
All Stat Reset Scroll 650 Points
Equipment Inventory Expansion 475 Pts
Jelly Pink 25 Pts
Sand Yellow 25 Pts
- Pemanently reduced price on all MyHome items as well as an addition of extensions for the items.
- Addition of New MyHome Items
Modern Brown Dressing Table: 350 Pts
Cute Woodie Trunk: 300 Pts

Item of the Week 5/27-6/3 & Memorial Day Sale

On Sale this week:
Special Memorial Day Sale

Patch Notes v.0.1.46


- Sakura Festival Event:
Mission and Maps Added
NPCs Added
Quests Added
Event Items Added
- In-game text adjustments
- Monster Name Change

- Newb Guide Contest Continues(5/12~5/30)
- Sakura Festival Event(5/26~6/23).
Haruka is looking for some brave heroes to help her get her restaurant back and save her precious Tea Cup.
- Memorial Day Event (5/27-5/30)
Operation C-C-C-Code Breaker: Break the code, complete the mission, and receive rewards!

Item Mall
- Continued Sale until (6/3):
Pet Training Package:
Pet Option Changer(5) + Pet Food(30 days): 750 Points
Defender's Package:
Perfect Hunch(10) + Stone Recovery Potion(5) + Defense Time Increase(5): 300 Points

- Memorial Day Sale(5/27-5/31):
Perfect Hunch (10): 150 Pts
Vault Expansion: 50 Pts
Super EXP Package: 500 Pts
2x 60% 2Hr Potions
1 HP Eternity Potion Large
1 MP Eternity Potion Large

- Items of the Week(5/27-6/3)
Red Brick Fireplace: 425 Pts
Modern Brown Mailbox: 150 Pts
Swellfish MailBox: 150 Pts
Purple Berry: 25 Pts
Aqua Blue: 25 Pts
For more detailed patch notes and to discuss this week's patch please join us on the forums..

Runestone and Soulcraft Stone Gasha Boxes on Sale!



Item of the Week Sale 5/20-5/27

On Sale this week