Patch Notes v.0.1.45

- Newb Guide Contest Continues(5/12~5/30).
- Thief Level Up Weekend 5/20-5/22.
Thieves that job change into Infiltrators or Bandits will receive a special coupon redeemable at Gato for a special package.

Item Mall
- In celebration of a very Pirate filled weekend
Captain Jack's Treasure Chest(Small): 5 W-Coins for 500 Points
Captain Jack's Treasure Chest(Large): 20 W-Coins for 1800 Points
- Continued Sale of:
Pet Training Package:
Pet Option Changer(5) + Pet Food(30 days): 750 Points
Defender's Package:
Perfect Hunch(10) + Stone Recovery Potion(5) + Defense Time Increase(5): 300 Points

For more detailed patch notes and to discuss this week's patch please join us on the forums..

Fashion Screenshot Grand Prize Winner

Fashion Screenshot Grand Prize Winner

The competition was tough but the community has spoken. The winner of the Fashion Screenshot contest is...


Meganekko with her stylish HarryPotter themed costume. Her use of the wand and background have mesmerized the masses into choosing her as the grand prize winner.

Big thanks to all those who entered the contest and congratulations to all of the finalist.

Prizes will all be distributed during maintenance Thursday 5/19.

Come check out the finalist.

Item of the Week Sale 5/13-5/20

On Sale this week

Patch Notes v.0.1.44


- Pre-patch adjustments for Sakura Event
- In-game text adjustments
- Channel Bonus EXP/Label Changed:
Channel 1: Level 1-40
Channel 2: Level 41-60
Channel 3: Level 61-70
Channel 4: FFA (No Bonus)
Channel 5: FFA (No Bonus)
-All items in-game with a square box that represents the Star symbol, now say the word Star. This was changed so users can link the items within chat.

- Newb Guide Contest(5/12~5/30)
Veterans of Dragon Saga offering advice and tips to new players, or those looking for a fresh start.
Level a new or old archer character to level 20+, and job change to receive a small gift!
- Item Mall Costume Screenshot Contest Submission Period Closed
Item Mall Costume Screenshot Contest Voting Begins(5/13~5/16)

For more detailed patch notes and to discuss this week's patch please join us on the forums..

Winners of the Mother's Day Gift of Giving Giveaway!

We had several generous people this weekend gifting their friends and loved ones with great Item Mall gifts. Here are the winners for this event:


Winners will need to contact Hastur on the forums (or Twitter) with their choice of prize box from the choices below. All prizes will be handed out Thurs(5/9) during the maintenance period.


Pretty in Pink Package
Lady in Pink Sofa 4% Attack Speed 2 Hours
Lady in Pink Dressing Table 4% Block Rate 2 hours
Lady in Pink Fireplace 4% Physical Attack 2 Hours
Lady in Pink Tile .05% Resting Bonus EXP
Lady in Pink Bed 4% EXP 2 Hours

Modern Brown Package
Dark Brown Large Mirror 4% Damage Taken Decrease 2 Hours
Modern Brown Large Window 5% MP Recovery Speed 3 Hours
Apple Candy Interior Prop 4% Movement Speed 2 Hours
Vyburn Picture Frame 4% Magical Power 2 Hours
Modern Brown Tile .05% Resting Bonus EXP