Patch Notes v.0.2.66 Part of the Galaxia Update!

Patch Notes v.0.2.66

Game Update

Galaxia Update (Stage 1)
5 New Dungeons added

- Aries(Mon), Gemini(Tue), Leo(Wed), Pegasus(Thur), Sagittarius(Fri) - Galaxia Hero Quests added: Starts at Steven Jr. (Port of Winds) - Galaxia Daily Quests added - Galaxia Dungeon rewards items added - Galaxia socket card skill combination system added (Available at Jewel Merchant)

Skill Balance Update

Roar of Victory Buff

-Knight Class:+50%HP
-Gladiator Class: +60% HP
-Monk Class: Increase: HP: 50%, MP: 20% Decrease: Spark Rock AOE: 25% Diffusion Cannon continuous attack damage: up to 70% Double Shot continuous attack damage: up to 70%
-Wizard Class: HP: +50%, MP: +20%
-Hunter Class: Increase: HP: 60% Decrease: Double Shot continuous attack damage: up to 70%
-Marksman Class: Increase: HP: 60% Decrease: Antiair Shot continuous attack damage: up to 70% Camouflage disabled
-Infiltrator Class: Increase: HP: 60% Decrease: Not able to use Burrow Not able to use Shadow Walk
-Bandit Class: Increase: HP: 60% Decrease: Not able to use Burrow
-Shaman Class: HP: 50%, MP: 20%
-Twin Fighter Class: HP: 50%

·Class specific skills updated(Details will be posted separately)

Item Mall Update

-Galaxia related items added
-Galaxia Admission Ticket: Allows entrance into any Galaxia Dungeon regardless of the day.
-Galaxia Dungeon Coin: Obtain additional mission rewards by using these coins
-Socket Card Extractor: Allows removal of socket cards from equipment


New Character level up and login event (Continued)
Level 50 event!
Level up a character to level 50 or higher from 6/17 to 6/25 and receive 1000 DS IM point.
1 Reward maximum per account. (1 Player may qualify for multiple rewards if participated on multiple accounts. However, any obvious abuse of this event will disqualify the player)

Want even more updates on Galaxia, the new dungeon coming out this summer? Check out our Official Dragon Saga Facebook for all the details! You can also check it out for constant updates on our servers as well.

Patch Notes v.0.2.64


- Newbie Event: Newly created characters will receive strong gears and weapons to start leveling

- Login EXP Gasha Event: Every 30 minutes a gasha box containing an EXP buff potion will be given(Up to 5 per day)

- Level 50 Reward Event: Any character that reaches level 50 this week will receive a Special Pet Gasha Box (Golden Dragon/Blizzard Muffler)

We were told the Part of the Galaxia update would have been pushed today but during some testing, we found a critical bug. Hince, the Galaxia Update will be pushed until 6/17/13. Since the update couldn't go through, we are pushing an event in place of it.

Scheduled Maintenance Time 6/10/2013 at 10AM PDT

Instead of the usual Tuesday Server Maintenance, we will do doing on Maintenance on Monday (June 10th, 2013) at 10AM PDT (-8 UTC). So make sure to put it in your calendar date!

Also we will adding in some of the new Galaxia update! 5 dungeons in fact: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, and Sagittarius.

Expect a normal batch of patch notes as well.

Want updates on Galaxia, the new dungeon coming out this summer? Check out our Official Dragon Saga Facebook for all the details! You can also check it out for constant updates on our servers as well.

End of May Payday!

If you happen to be playing on May 30th, 2013 around 3:00AM PDT ( -8 UDT), you were probably disconnected from our game and possibly our website.

We had experienced a slight glitch but we were able to resolve it within 40 minutes. So what does this mean for you?

For any players who were logged in from May 27th,2013 to May 30th, 2013 will be receiving 200 Item Mall Points for free! How awesome is that!

It's our way to apologizing and thanking you (the player) for being so awesome!

Want updates on Galaxia, the new dungeon coming out this summer? Check out our Official Dragon Saga Facebook for all the details! You can also check it out for constant updates on our servers as well.

Black Dragon Lord Weapon Changes

Beginning with Tuesday's Maintenance (10/16), Black Dragon Lord weapons (dropped in Black Claw Nest) will be character bound on pickup. This means they will no longer be able to be sold/traded or gifted.

Currently Owned Black Dragon Lord Weapons will also be affected by this change. Beginning with Tuesday's Maintenance (10/16), all Black Dragon Lord Weapons will be character bound to the character which was in possession of the item before the start of maintenance. So if you wish to sell, trade, or gift this item please do it before maintenance 10/16.