Patch Notes v0.1.69

Patch v0.1.69

-Halloween Loading Screen 9/28-10/11:Players can submit loading screens to use during the event period.
-Tournament of Dragons 9/15: Registration is open, few spots still remain!
9/28-9/29:Tournament matches begin
-Dragon Saga Mount Contest 8/24-9/13: Prizes will be distributed this week.
-Free Ipod Nano Giveaway 2 9/13-9/27: Last pull will be taken and all winners will be contacted for information.


-Twin Fighter missing skill names updated.
-Twin Fighter missing descriptions updated.
-In-game Text Changes

For more detailed patch notes and to discuss this week's patch please join us on the forums..

Patch Notes v0.1.67

-Free Ipod Nano Giveaway 2 (9/13-9/27)
All Dragonkin that reach level 30 will be entered into the raffle.
-Tournament of Dragons (9/15)
Registration Opens at 5PM. Be sure to register before all spots are filled!
(9/28-9/29) Tournament matches begin
-Dragon Saga Mount Contest (8/24-9/13)
Entries will no longer be accepted. The voting process will begin Thursday.
-Race to Level 80 (9/2-9/13)
Ends, prizes will be distributed early next week.
-Happy Hour (9/14-9/20)
1.5x EXP between the hours of 4PM-9PM PDT.

Item Mall
-Items of the Week (9/15-9/22)
All Stat Reset Scroll: 650 Pts
Long Straight (Female): 80 Pts
Heterochromatic Eyes(Male): 40 Pts

-EXP Potion Sale (9/13-9/20)
90% EXP Potion: 150 Pts Available for a limited time.

-Big Wheel/Mix Board
Red School Look Set and various Backpacks added for Humans.

For more detailed patch notes and to discuss this week's patch please join us on the forums..

Maintenance Time for New Origins Expansion Launch

To ensure that New Origins Expansion maintenance is executed smoothly with our developer's support, server will be shutdown tonight at 6PM(PDT) for the maintenance.

Scheduled Date and Time:
September 1st 6PM~12AM(PDT)

Please keep in mind that, this is a very large update, therefore the server open time may be changed. All schedule changes, if any, will be posted on the website and the forums

Edit: As many have already noticed, the maintenance was extended few hours longer due to some technical issues. The issue has been resolved now, and the server should be up soon. We would like to thank all users that have been so patient and supportive.

Patch Notes v.0.1.62


New Origins: Into the Darkness Expansion added

- Free Ipod Nano Giveaway(9/2~9/13)
Be one of many to create a level 25 Human class character to be entered into two separate drawings and have a chance at winning an Ipod Nano.
- Player Appreciation Month Continues(8/10~9/6) *Details on Dragon Saga Website and Facebook
*Week 4 event has been revealed.
Daily Raffle Event: New Week 4 Costume
Level Up Event: Every 5th level receives a gift
GM Random Giveaways: Be active and have a chance at being rewarded with cool items!
Invite a Friend Event: Invite friends to earn Item Mall Points
Turn Back the Clock Event Continues: Ends
- Dragon Saga Mount Creation Contest Continues(8/24~9/13)
Create a mount and be one of the first to obtain a Riding Pet or other prizes during New Origins.
- Race to Level 80(9/2~9/13)
Be the player(s) to dethrone the current leveling champions Reikaa and Meganekko to obtain cool prizes and definitely.. Bragging rights! - Move In Sale!(9/1~9/6)
To welcome the new Dragonkin and make them feel a little more at home in the human world, we'll be holding a special sale. 50% off all MyHome items.

Item Mall
- Items of the Week Sale(9/2~9/15) *Moved to Friday for this week*
Market Access Scroll (5): 40 Pts
Pet Food(30 Day): 225 Pts
Blue Eyes (Male): 40 Pts
Grey Eyes (Female): 40 Pts
- Character Slot Expansion Coupon to be added during Items of the Week additions
- New Hairs and Dyes(Will be added 9/2)
- Big Wheel and Mix Board Changes
Humans and Dragonkin have separate costumes. Human facial features and hairs are not compatible with the Dragonkin. They can be previewed, but not used.
- Fire/Water Guardian Sets have been changed to their appropriate stat configurations. Compensation details can be found on the forums.

For more detailed patch notes and to discuss this week's patch please join us on the forums..

New Origins Release Date Announcement and Upcoming Game Balances

It is my great pleasure to announce the newest expansion to come to Dragon Saga SEPTEMBER 1st... New Origins: Into the Darkness!

New Origin
A great darkness has covered the land of Dragon Saga and the world as you knew it has changed. Continents have shifted and a whole new race, Dragonkin, have appeared to help the Dragon Fellowship during their darkest time.

Will you rise to fight this Darkness?

Are you brave enough to challenge Elga, the Dark Dragon Lord?

With the coming update are several game Balances that will come into effect. These changes have been part of an ongoing discussion with Gravity Games, based on feedback collected from you, the players. If you have any feedback you would like to provide us regarding these changes or other changes please post it here.

Game Balances

Skill Changes:

-Aim Rate Soulcraft Options will be doubled for accessories.

-All Fire and Water Guardian Set items will be changed back to their previous stat bonuses that were originally received during THQ*ICE. The changes to the new bonuses was a bug.

Fire Guardian Set:
  • Fire Guardian Helm
  • Fire Guardian Top
  • Fire Guardian Bottom
  • Fire Guardian Shoulders
  • Fire Guardian Gloves
  • Fire Guardian Shoes
  • Fire Guardian Backpack

  • Water Guardian Set:
  • Water Guardian Helm
  • Water Guardian Top
  • Water Guardian Bottom
  • Water Guardian Shoulders
  • Water Guardian Gloves
  • Water Guardian Shoes
  • Water Guardian Backpack

  • Due to the amount of time it has taken to correct this bug, we will be offering all player that currently own a piece of the above gear, (2) W-Coin, (8) Soul Box (contains 999souls), and (2) 50g Pouches per piece of gear currently on the character.

    Character must have items in inventory to received these items. Equipped and pieces in Vault will not earn these items.

    Production System: (More to be addressed during New Origins Update)
    - Soulcraft (Option) Expander modified to not be applied in PvP Areas (PvP, Battlesquare, Emporia). The display will still show the Option Expanded rate in these zones, but the function is disabled.
    - Result of Soul Extractor Capsules to show the correct stat after the Soulcraft Option has been extracted from an item.
    To discuss these changes please visit us on the forums here..