BattleSquare Time Changes!

Previously, you could only participate in BattleSquare once a day and players wanted more. So we listened, BattleSquare will now happen 3 times a day, EVERYDAY!

Previous BattleSquare Times:
- 5pm PDT Daily.

New BattleSquare Times:
- 2pm/5pm/8pm PDT Daily!

This is not a temporary change, but will continue until further notice!

Special Maintenance Times 4/24/2012

This week's maintenance times will be a little different from our usual times, due to several Microsoft security updates we will be applying on our servers. We'll also be taking this time to make adjustments to our own firewall. Dragon Saga is going to have an extended maintenance to allow testing of the latest update.

Maintenance times for this week 4/24 will be as follows:

Ragnarok, ROSE, Requiem : 2pm-6pm PDT* (UTC - 7 hours)
Dragon Saga: 12pm-6pm PDT* (UTC - 7 hours)

*These times are subject to change, extension, and early completion.

Patch Notes v.0.2.1

Patch Notes v.0.2.1
  • Spring Balloon Event (3/7-4/4):
  • -Collect Event Balloons and party up with other players to receive special party buffs.
    -Balloons can be obtained from the Gacha Vending machine by trading in Balloon Vouchers
    -Balloon Vouchers can be obtained by staying logged in for at least 30 minutes or by leveling characters
    -Level 26-50: 1 voucher per 2 levels. Level 51-80: 1 voucher per 1 level.
    -New balloons added each week of the event.

  • Point Transfer Reward and Raffle Event (3/7-3/13):
  • -Receive a reward item and entry into the Enchantment package raffle for each transfer of 1000 Dragon Saga Item Mall points or more
    -Reward item: 1x Soulbox(999 Souls)
    -Enchantment Package: 10x Enchant Insurance Scrolls, 500x Weapon Enchant Dust, 1000x Armor Enchant Dust, 5x Soulbox

  • Jump Into The Action Event (2/22-3/06): Event ends.

Item Mall
    Limited Sale:
  • Character Slot Bonus Box: 500 IM
  • -1x Character Slot Expansion Coupon
    -2x 50% EXP Potions
  • Blizzard Gasha Box (1)-125IM (5)-500IM
    Big Wheel & Mixboard:
  • 16 New Costume Sets and Accessories added.

  • Dragonkin 4th Skill Added
  • Dragonkin Skill improvements
  • 60 Adventure Quests added (Lv 33~34)
  • Costume Stats Modified
  • In-game Text Updates
  • Minor bugs fixed

December Event Prize Distribution

Hey folks we got a lot going on in the New Year, so we're going to post up a little list regarding distributions of some of the Events which ending in 2011.

-Holiday Point Transfer Event [80%EXP Potion(2 hours)- 1/3 + (2) Box of Souls (999each)]- 1/4
-MyHome Bonus - 1/3
-UGC winter Promotion [Dec 23rd thru Jan 2nd] - 1/4
-New Account Bonus Event [2500 Point coupons] - 1/4 thru 1/5
-Double Up! - Check ingame mail on eligible character between 1/3 thur 1/6.
-End of the Year Challenge - Between 1/4-1/13
-New Year's IM Bonus Returns! - 1/26
-Hastur's Wishlist - Characters have been mailed ingame
-Holiday Loading Screen Contest - Distributed 12/27

Point Transfer Bonus Increase!

For 10 days only, starting December 19th 4:45pm PST through December 29th 5:00pm PST WarpPortal Energy–>Gravity game item mall point conversions will be increased on purchases of 2500 or more!

Don't forget we also have the 5% bonus for all first time transfers! So take advantage of all these bonuses and earn more for your WPE Transfer!