Item Mall Price Reductions

Several items in our Item Mall have been reduced in price. This is not a sale but a permanent change. Enjoy the savings folks.

The following Items have had a price reduction:
Large HP Eternity Potion - 250pts-> 150pts
Average HP Eternity Potion - 150pts-> 100pts.
Tiny HP Eternity Potion - 75pts-> 50pts.
Large MP Eternity Potion - 250pts-> 150pts
Average MP Eternity Potion - 150pts-> 100pts.
Tiny MP Eternity Potion - 75pts-> 50pts.

STR Refresh Scroll 300pts-> 150pts.
INT Refresh Scroll 300pts-> 150pts.
HTL Refresh Scroll 300pts-> 150pts.
AGI Refresh Scroll 300pts-> 150pts.

For the mission portal cards, in addition to the price reduction, these prices will reflect 5count box of cards, not an individual price. Each of the following will be a 5 count.
Vegabond Mission Portal Card 15pts-> 10pts.
Kunkah Mission Portal Card 15pts-> 10pts.
Vegas Mission Portal Card 15pts-> 10pts.
Sangka Mission Portal Card 15pts-> 10pts.
Captain Alvida Mission Portal Card 15pts-> 10pts.
Lord of Night Mission Portal Card 15pts-> 10pts.
Ahtoo Mission Portal Card 15pts-> 10pts.
Chief Rokko Mission Portal Card 15pts-> 10pts.
Queen Vella Mission Portal Card 15pts-> 10pts.
Karkharous Mission Portal Card 15pts-> 10pts.
Bubobubo Mission Portal Card 15pts-> 10pts.
Burlune Mission Portal Card 15pts-> 10pts.
Pythanous Mission Portal Card 15pts-> 10pts.
Arka Mission Portal Card 15pts-> 10pts.
Agnes Mission Portal Card 15pts-> 10pts.
Alexandre Mission Portal Card 15pts-> 10pts.
Frost Soul Avice Mission Portal Card 15pts-> 10pts.
Ice Dragon Kryos Mission Portal Card 15pts-> 10pts.

Rescheduled Extended Downtime Oct 25th

Greetings WarpPortal Citizens!

On October 25th, at 7am PST we'll be having maintenance for ALL titles in preparation of a major hardware move at our IDC (Internet Data Center). We are consolidating our server into a single location, something we've wanted to do for a long time. What this means for you is that for approximately 24 hours next week the forums, websites and games will be down.

Starting at approximately 9am PST the servers will be turned off and moved to their new locations. During this time ALL games, forums, and websites will be down until this move is completed. At current this is projected to be a 24 hour process, scheduled to end 9am PST October 26th.

Since most services will be down we'll be posting on the Facebooks and Twitters to keep you all up to date on our status. Follow us to keep up to date and find out when the servers are ready:

Facebook .

Twitter .

IDC Maintenance 10/18 Postponed

The IDC move/maintenance scheduled for tomorrow, 10/18 has been postponed until next week.

Ragnarok and Requiem will have their regularly scheduled maintenance from 10pm-3am PST.
ROSE and Dragon Saga will have no interruption to service and the servers will remain up and open.

Again the maintenance of 10/18 has been postponed until next week. More details to follow later this week.

Thank you for your understanding.

Extended Downtime Oct 18th

Greetings WarpPortal Citizens!

On October 18th, at 7am PST (Eternal Destiny will begin at 4am) we'll be having maintenance for ALL titles in preparation of a major hardware move at our IDC (Internet Data Center). We are consolidating our server into a single location, something we've wanted to do for a long time. What this means for you is that for approximately 24 hours next week the forums, websites and games will be down.

Starting at approximately 9am PST the servers will be turned off and moved to their new locations. During this time ALL games, forums, and websites will be down until this move is completed. At current this is projected to be a 24 hour process, scheduled to end 9am PST October 19th.

Since most services will be down we'll be posting on the Facebooks and Twitters to keep you all up to date on our status. Follow us to keep up to date and find out when the servers are ready:

Facebook .

Twitter .

Maintenance Changes 10/11 and 10/18

This week there is no scheduled maintenance, on 10/11 so there will be no interruption in service.

On 10/17 we will be having a scheduled maintenance from 10am-3pm PDT that will replace the 10/18 maintenance.

New Items will be added to the Item Mall Tuesday and Item of the Week changes will take place Thursday afternoon.

Again there will be no maintenance on 10/11 or 10/18.