Server Maintenance 06/05/2017 [Complete]

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
There will be a server maintenance today 06/05/2017 at 1130 Server Time to implement a bug fix in game. Announcements will be posted once the maintenance is complete.

Dragon Saga May End of the Month Livestream!

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
Want to know who won the Riddlemaster Event? Who was the Ultimate Dragon Saga 2017 Waifu? Check out our May End of the Month livestream for all these answers and a recap of the Arcadia Episode 2 update!

Server Maintenance 06/02/2017 [Complete]

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
There will be a server maintenance on 06/02/2017 at 3PM PDT to resolve the issues that players are experiencing on some of the maps in game. Updates will be posted once the maintenance is complete. Thank you for your patience regarding this matter.

Servers are back up


Please update the game to version 0.5.72.

The game client should be at version after updating.



What has been fixed:


- the wrong element effects on hit have been fixed
- Specter's Tower Normal mode is at Level 36 again

- the text size for the medals has been corrected

- the 2 new medals are giving 3000 rank points each now


- the icon for the item "Desert Worm Scale" (Arcadia Content) is no longer invisible
- an unused portal in Everglade Swamp has been removed

- the quest "Pine Cone Collection" has now an increased drop rate

- the "[Best] Dark Soul Bow" is now for Archers and no longer for Wizards

- the Paris Wings Red now have 550 PDEF and 500 MDEF
- the Paris Wings Blue now have 600 PDEF and 550 MDEF

- the durability decrease of weapon/armor in expert mode
dungeons has been lowered a bit.


More fixes and small changes are planned for the next regular maintenance.



Have a great weekend and enjoy the game!

Dragon Saga Livestream 06/02/2017


With several exciting things happening this week for Dragon Saga, we will be pushing back our 'End of the Month' Livestream to Friday, 06/02/2017 at 10:30 Server Time! It won't quite be an End of the Month Livestream since it will be happening in June, but we felt it would be better this way so we can include this weeks updates, the Riddlemaster winner (remember you can still enter this event!) and announce our Waifu War winner at the same time (Waifu Wars final voting will end on Friday, so make sure to support your favorite while there is still time).



Dragon Saga Announcement Livestream 


Time and Place

 06/02/2017 at 1030 Server Time and


We will be:

Announcing the winner to the Riddlemaster Event

Announcing the winner for our Waifu Wars Event

Going over updates which will be added to Dragon Saga this week

Dragon Saga 2017 Lets Play Episode 20

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
An all new episode of Dragon Saga 2017 Lets Play is up on the Warpportal Youtube channel! Check it out and don't forget to send your Riddlemaster entries to before the end of the Riddlemaster event on 05/30/2017! You can find our last May Riddle at the end of this video!