Maintenance Notes
Patch Version 0.6.8, Game Version:
Server Maintenance
2017-10-11, 12:00 Server Time
Note: As always patch notes are subject to change. There could be added some things after the maint.
Happy Birthday Dragon Saga!
Celebrate Dragon Saga’s 7th Anniversary with us.
7th Anniversary farm Event
Collect Letters from the Alphabet Boxes which are dropped by monsters to trade them at the Vending Machine for stuff.
Collect HAPPY and trade those letters for the Anniversary Costume Box #1 which contains randomly one of these items:
Blue Wreath
Orange Wreath
Purple Wreath
Rubber Glove Hat Thumbs Up!
Rubber Glove Hat Hi!
Cake Balloon
Party Hat
[Event] Ultimate Hero Helmet
[Event] Ultimate Hero Bottom
[Event] Ultimate Hero Gloves
[Event] Ultimate Hero Wings
White Lord Shoulder
White Lord Bottom
White Lord Shoes
Collect BDAY and trade those letters for the Anniversary Costume Box #2 which contains randomly one of these items:
Wreath of Light
Red Wreath
Gold Wreath
Green Wreath
Rubber Glove Hat Yay!
Birthday Balloon Dragon Saga
Cake Hat
[Event] Ultimate Hero Top
[Event] Ultimate Hero Shoulders
[Event] Ultimate Hero Shoes
White Lord Helmet
White Lord Top
White Lord Gloves
Collect BACK and trade those letters for the Anniversary Back Item Box which contains randomly one of these items:
Golden Anniversary Cape
Golden Anniversary Wings
Golden Anniversary Quiver
Golden Anniversary Muffler
Silver Anniversary Cape
Silver Anniversary Wings
Silver Anniversary Quiver
Silver Anniversary Muffler
Black Anniversary Cape
Black Anniversary Wings
Black Anniversary Quiver
Black Anniversary Muffler
Collect ILIKE and trade those letters for your personal I Like! Ring.
ExCo System and Ancestor Items (Part 1)
Just on time for the 7th anniversary of Dragon Saga we are proud to introduce 2 new systems which are connected to each other.
ExCo System
An ExCo (an abbrevation for Experience Container) is some kind of new currency. Everytime your max level character (currently Level 85) reaches 100% of EXP you get one ExCo which can be traded for some kind of things.
The ExCo trader is our new NPC Lucius. This little guy calls himself a Fallen Angel and wants to rule the world – at least when he is grown up. To take over the world Lucius needs a lot of experience and because of this he wants your Experience Containers (ExCo). Since he is a boy and does not know how to be really evil he gives you something in return (maybe the story of ruling the world is just bragging and he only tries to get rid of his diaper – who knows?).
The following items can be traded:
[Event] +2 Skill Points – 1 ExCo
[Event] Equip Inventory Expansion (1 Slot) – 1 ExCo
[Event] Consumable Inventory Expansion (1 Slot) – 1 ExCo
[Event] Misc Inventory Expansion (1 Slot) – 1 ExCo
[Event] Cash Inventory Expansion (1 Slot) – 1 ExCo
[Event] Pet Dye Potion – 10 ExCo
1* Ring of the Ancestor – 1 ExCo
1* Belt of the Ancestor – 1 ExCo
1* Necklace of the Ancestor – 1 ExCo
1* Bracelet of the Ancestor – 1 ExCo
1* Earrings of the Ancestor – 1 ExCo
Lucius can be found at Port of the Winds, Ellora Camp and Arcadia City.
The number of ExCo you have collected can be seen at the MiniMap below the money as soon as your character is Level 85.
Ancestor Items (Part 1)
Ancestor Items are a new type of items which can be obtained by trading for ExCo with NPC Lucius. After you have obtained one the item can be found in the new Ancestor Vault which can be accessed at NPC Sofia or NPC Lucius when your character has reached Level 20. The Ancestor Vault can be accessed by every character on the same account.
By double click or right click on one of the Ancestor Items the particular item will be equipped to the new Ancestor Page which can be seen at the Character Overview by pressing the Ancestor button.
Once equipped the item can’t be put back into the Ancestor Vault. You can either keep it equipped or destroy it by dragging it out of the Ancestor page.
Every item comes with one special stat which should help your low level characters to become a great adventurer.
This is only part 1 of the Ancestor Item system. Part 2 will contain the possibility to upgrade the Ancestor Items to 2* and 3* items. We will release the second part soon.
Fixes and Changes
- This is Mine! skill has been added to Feilon and Fillon mounts
Item Mall
Ultimate Hero Set added to the BigWheel
[Best] Ultimate Hero Set added to the MixBoard