Server Maintenance 09/14/2017

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
There will be a server maintenance today 09/14/2017 at 15:00 Server Time to make fixes to the Bigwheel/Mixboard, and to fix a bug where the Daily Quest menus are not being shown. Announcements will be made as soon as the maintenance is complete.

Server Maintenance 09/13/2017

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
Our weekly server maintenance will be on 09/13/2017 at 1200 Server Time! Updates will be posted before the maintenance is complete!

Server Maintenance 09/06/2017

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
Our weekly server maintenance will be on 09/06/2017 at 12:00 Server Time. Updates will be posted before the maintenance is complete.

Dragon Saga Server Maintenance 08/31/2017

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
We will have a server maintenance for Dragon Saga today 08/31/2017 at 1400 Server Time to fix some daily quest related bugs. This maintenance will coincide with the Warpportal maintenance, and the game will be back up once the Warpportal server maintenance is complete. Updates will be posted once the maintenance is complete.

Mini Patch Notes
Game Version 0.5.98

Fixes and Changes
- fixed several text issues in the new daily quests
- fixed the daily quest Dony's 1215th Mission / Monster Card Quest #694
- removed Tropical Beach Biodome and Smoking Volcano Biodome from the Lv. 80~85 dailies
- added 42 new daily quests in the Conkana Forest Biodome (consisting of the maps Conkana Forest and Forest Glade) to the Lv. 80~85 dailies

Hunter G. Dailies Lv. 75~85 Reward
For every Hunter G. Daily quest (Lv.75~85) you complete you will be rewarded with a Hero Hunter Capsule. This capsule contains higher level gear (Lv. 70~73) which is worth more when sold to the Shop NPC. Additionally besides the chance of getting a Skill Point +1 you will have the rare chance to get an [Event] Skill Points +2 item (please know that the Skill Point +2 is account vault restricted).
The capsule can be sold and traded like all other Hunter G. capsules.

Open Market adjustment
To fight the soul price scam we have lately seen taking place in-game, Souls, Armor Enchant Dust and Weapon Enchant Dust has been limited to be sold for a maximum price of 99 silver per unit.
Please know that you also won't be able to buy those items from people who still have overpriced items registered in their open market.

Warpportal Server Maintenance 08/31/2017

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
WarpPortal will be undergoing a network and billing maintenance today, Thursday August 31 at 15:00–17:00 Server Time. During that time, our games, websites, forums, support ticket system, and payment system will be offline. We will be posting updates as soon as the maintenance is complete. Thank you for your patience during this time.