Server Maintenance 07/26/2017

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
Our weekly server maintenance will be on 07/26/2017 at 15:00 Server Time. Updates will be posted before the maintenance is complete!

Dragon Saga Lets Play Livestream Video!


Hello Dragon Saga Friends!


Our last livestream of the month is on Friday, 07/21/2017 at 1030 Server Time on the Warpportal Twitch and Youtube Channels!


Tune in during the livestream or catch the videos later on the Dragon Saga Lets Play Youtube Playlist!

Miss out on the Livestream? You can still watch it on the Warpportal Youtube Channel!

Server Maintenance 07/19/2017

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
Our weekly maintenance will be on 07/19/2017 at 1500 Server Time! Patch Notes will be posted before the maintenance is complete!

Server Maintenance 07/14/2017

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
We unfortunately had some problems implementing the current PvP skill balances on the live server with our last maintenance. The new updates will require a little more time to figure out where the problems are coming from.
Because of this, our skill adjustments which are PvP only are being temporarily disabled until todays server maintenance, 07/14/2017 at 15:00 Server Time.
We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause, and will compensate the time lost be extending our weekend EXP buff of 2.0x through Monday, 07/17/2017.

Server Maintenance 07/13/2017

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
There will be a server maintenance today, 07/13/2017, at 15:00 Server Time to fix to one of the updates from yesterdays patch. Announcements will be posted once the maintenance is complete.