Server Maintenance 08/30/2017

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
Our weekly server maintenance will be on 08/30/2017 at 12:00 Server Time. Updates will be posted before the maintenance is complete.

Dragon Saga August Lets Play Episodes!

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
Our August Dragon Saga Lets Play Episodes are up on the Warpportal Youtube Channel now! Join CM Dragonlark and Tirfing as they continue to level through the game, and stick around for the riddles at the end of our episodes so you can enter our Riddlemaster contest for a chance to win our exclusive Riddlemaster Title!



Server Maintenance Schedule Change

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
Please know that we will be changing the time when we normally have our weekly server maintenance. Starting on 08/23/2017, our weekly server maintenance will be at 12:00 Server Time!

Server Maintenance 08/16/2017

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
This weeks server maintenance will be on 08/16/2017 at 15:00 Server Time. Updates will be posted before the maintenance is complete.

Compensation 08/09/2017


Hello Dragon Saga Friends!

As a thank you to our amazing Dragon Saga Community for bearing with us while we dealt with the ddos attack and connection issues last week, we will be providing an additional compensation for this matter (besides the EXP event). Please see below for the compensation information provided by our Dragon Saga team for those affected during our downtime.

Compensation IM Package

Every character created up to August 4th which has logged in at some point since July 28th will automatically receive an IM Compensation Package in their mail which contains:

10x [Event] Insurance Scrolls
5x [Event] RIS
4x [Event] SC Randomizer
2x [Event] Pet Option Randomizer
2x [Event] Jack's Bean
2x [Event] Best Friends
2x [Event] Good Shop License
1x [Event] 10 Days Pet Food
1x F7 Fatigue Potion
2x Zodiac Admission Ticket
2x Galaxy Coins

Character Slot Expansion

For every account containing a character which has been created up until August 4th, and logging in July 28th and later, and has a character that is at least level 60 will automatically receive a Character Slot Expansion sent through the mail to a character that is 60+. If your account has more than one level 60 character, this item will be mailed to a random level 60 character on your account. Only one character slot expansion will be distributed per account.

Compensation Quest Lv. 30

Every character level 30 + can obtain a small compensation in-game by going to NPC Gato and completing the Quest 'Compensation (Lv.30)' which will give you an IM accessory set (full restricted) containing a Belt and Bracelet.
Belt Stats: Movement Speed +3.0%, Final Critical Success Rate +0.5%, Def 11, MDef 11
Bracelet Stats: Attack Speed +3.0%, Critical Damage +4.0%, Def 8, MDef 8
Set Stats: 2 Parts, Attack Speed +5.0%, Movement Speed +5.0%, Final Critical Success Rate +0.5%

Compensation Quest Lv. 40

Every character level 40+ can receive another compensation in game by going to NPC Gato and completing the Quest 'Compensation (Lv. 40) which will give you a Big Cart Pet and Producer's Inventory Bag which contains one inventory expansion (8 Slots) for all 4 Inventories.

Big Cart Pet