Patch Notes 7/12/2022


Maintenance Notes
Patch Version 0.10.0, Client Version:

Server Maintenance
2022-07-13, 11:00 Server Time

Summer is here and the temperature is rising. What could be better than going to the beach, jumping into the cool water and enjoying the summer sun, looking at all the palm trees while having a cool Pineapple Drink and listening to some Reggae Music? The full Jamaica feeling hits Port of the Winds – the whole day – and from dusk til dawn. But the summer in Dragon Saga is more than just being lazy! Fight monsters and get some nice event stuff! Take your gear and help the small baby dragon Yongha out with his problem at the Summer Wave Coast. A lot of nice stuff is awaiting you.

When entering Summer Wave Coast an instanced map with end reward boxes is ready for you. The map can be entered starting with Level 25. The levels of the monsters are auto scaling to the level of the party leader. The map can only be entered if the level difference of all party members is not higher than 5 levels.
Some of the monsters are dropping an item which can be traded with the Baby Dragon NPC Yongha for one of four boxes containing random stuff:
·  Cool Summer Costume Box
contains 2 different event costumes which are fully tradable, but soulbound once equipped

·  Cool Summer Rummage Box
contains a lot of summer accessory stuff including some highlights (Paris Wing Mood Box, Wings of Darkness, Lightness and Sunrise).
Additionally the box can contain a Melony Balloon which increases Enchant and Soulcraft Success Chance by 4%

·  Cool Summer Pet Box
contains some summer pet (regular pets, not support pets) and can yield the Melony Pet

·  Tropical Weapon Box
contains an event IM weapon (Lv.20) for a random class with some stats

As reward for completing the map after killing the boss you can get the following:

Level 25~39:
·  Cool Summer Costume Box
·  EXP Double-Up Potion (10 mins.)
·  Money Bag
·  The Item which can be traded for the boxes
·  Armor Enchant Dust Gift Box (4 ea.)
·  Weapon Echant Dust Gift Box (2 ea.)
·  Soul Gif Box (14 ea.)

Level 40~69:
Everything of the above plus
·  [Event] Soul Craft Randomizer
·  [Event] Pet Option Randomizer
·  [Event] Jack's Bean
·  [Event] Enchant Insurance Scroll
·  [Event] Good Shop License
·  [Event] HP Eternity Potion (Small)
·  [Event] MP Eternity Potion (Small)
·  Big IM Consumables Gasha Box

Level 70~85:
Everything of the above and the chance to get the IM stuff is slightly increased

The Summer Event is available until August 3, 11:00 Server Time.

Enchant and Soulcraft Event
From July 13, 11:00 Server Time until July 20, 11:00 Server Time the Soulcraft Success chance is doubled, the Enchant Success chance is normal.
From July 20, 11:00 Server Time until July 27, 11:00 Server Time the Enchant Success chance is doubled, the Soulcraft Success chance is normal.

Summer EXP Event
Until August 3, 11:00 Server Time Sunflowers are falling from the sky and give an EXP bonus.

Big Summer Sale

Until July 27, 11:00 Server Time the following items are 50% off:

Insurance Scroll (10 pcs.) – 32 IM
Advanced Insurance Scroll (10 pcs.) – 42 IM
Reinforced Insurance Scroll (10 pcs.) – 40 IM
Advanced Reinforce Insurance Scroll (10 pcs.) – 50 IM
Soulcraft Randomizer (10 pcs.) – 120 IM
Advanced Soulcraft Randomizer (10 pcs.) – 160 IM
Soulcraft Extarctor (10 pcs.) – 160 IM
Card Insurance Scroll (5 pcs.) – 80 IM
Prime Pixel Insuarance Scroll (5 pcs.) – 75 IM
Jack's Bean Package (10 Jack's Beans) – 100 IM
Premium Shop License (10 pcs.) – 120 IM
Account Vault Extension – 120 IM
Costume Inventory Expansion – 250 IM
Guild Vault Expansion – 200 IM
Permanent Vault Expansion – 120 IM
Equipment Inventory Expansion – 80 IM
Consumables Inventory Expansion – 80 IM
Miscellaneous Inventory Expansion – 80 IM
IM Inventory Expansion – 60 IM
Socket Card Extractor (10 pcs.) – 340 IM
Zodiac Admission Ticket (10 pcs.) – 120 IM
Galaxy Dungeon Coin (10 pcs.) – 200 IM
Costume Soulbound Remover (3 pcs.) – 160 IM
Ring Coin (10 pcs.) – 150 IM
W-Coin (10 pcs.) – 400 IM
Mount Food [30 days] (2 pcs.) – 120 IM
Pet Option Randomizer (10 pcs.) – 160 IM
Advanced Pet Option Randomizer (10 pcs.) – 210 IM
Pet Name Changer – 120 IM
Pet Dye Potion – 100 IM
Costume Weapon Aura Mutator – 200 IM
Costume Mutator (6 pcs.) – 500 IM
Mutation Insurance Scroll (10 pcs.) – 50 IM
Advanced Mutation Insurance Scroll (10 pcs.) – 75 IM
Reinforced Mutation Insurance Scroll (10 pcs.) – 100 IM
Pet EXP Potion [2 hours] (2 pcs.) – 60 IM

Big Summer Sale IM Point Event
From July 13, 11:00 Server Time until July 27, 11:00 Server Time you will get an Item Mall Point Bonus:

WP Points Bonus (for players powering up through the WarpPortal website)

0 -  999 IM      +5% Bonus
1000 – 2499 IM      +10% Bonus
2500 – 4999 IM      +20% Bonus
5000 +      IM      +30% Bonus

The bonus is given when converting WPE to DragonSaga IM Points.

Steam IM Point Bonus (for players using the Steam client)

525 IM Points $ 5  (5% bonus)
1050 IM Points $10  (5% bonus)
1650 IM Points $15 (10% bonus)
2200 IM Points $20 (10% bonus)
3450 IM Points $30 (15% bonus)
4600 IM Points $40 (15% bonus)
6000 IM Points $50 (20% bonus)

Mag ich! Event
The event hast ended. Event items can still be exchanged for another week.

General Fixes and Changes
- Kryos Origins Ice Dungeon: The heal skill of the Pengou miniboss has been adjusted to be casted less and having a longer cooldown time.
- Dungeon of Destiny: After over a month of familiarization phase the final quest of the Kryos Origins Ice Dungeon (Back to the Future) is now a prerequisite to enter the Dungeon of Destiny
- Dungeon of Destiny: The minbosses in DoD now deal element damage: Jackomo deals 2500 Nature Element Damage, Firefiend deals 2500 Fire Element Damage, Karacho deals 2500 Dark Element Damage and Taiphoon deals 2500 Ice Element Damage.
- Drako's Tower: Paris now deals 1000 Dark Element and 500 Fire Element Damage.
- Vending Machine:  On community request, the Popcorn Balloon has been added. It can be obtained by exchanging 1 Silver Coin.
- Bugfix: The Dragonkin Skill Area Spell (Lv. 6-10) has been fixed. It now gives +61%, +62%, +64%, +67% and +70% Def.

Item Mall
Flapping Wings Box
Devastation Weapon Box
Annihilation Weapon Box
Burnaun’s Hoggy Balloon Box
Dr. Farrells Steam Punk Glasses Box

Fire Guardian Weapon Box (80 IM)
Dark Guardian Weapon Box (80 IM)
Water Guardian Weapon Box (80 IM)
Nature Guardian Weapon Box (80 IM)
Glacial Guardian Weapon Box (80 IM)
Gaia Guardian Weapon Box (80 IM)
Summer Wings Box (80 IM)
Bee Wings Box (80 IM)
Beautiful Rose Box (80 IM)
Little Devil Balloon Box (80 IM)
Yellow Cat Car Mount (240 IM)
Wild Green Car Mount (240 IM)
Mini Red Car Mount (240 IM)
Blue Thunder Car Mount (240 IM)


Gray Beach Fun Outfit
Orange Beach Fun Outfit
Hot Summer Outfit
Summer Fun Outfit
White Bikini (female)
Pink Bikini (female)
Sassy Surfer Set
Ice Candy Outfit (female)
Ice Flower Outfit (male)
Grape Sparkling Outfit (female)
Tropical Blue Outfit (male)

Green Ruffle Layered Bikini (female) [Special]
Tropical Green Outfit (male) [Special]
Tropical Caramel Outfit (female) [Special]

Dressy Devil Outfit [Artifact] **For one more week only!**
Accurate Marksman Set [Artifact]
Mighty Warrior Set [Artifact]
Archangel Set [Artifact]