Patch Notes 7/27/2022


Maintenance Notes
Patch Version 0.10.1, Client Version:

Server Maintenance
2022-07-27, 11:00 Server Time


The Summer Event continues until August 3, 11:00 Server Time.

Enchant and Soulcraft Event
Until August 3, 11:00
Server Time the Soulcraft and Enchant Success chance is doubled.

Summer EXP Event
Until August 3, 11:00 Server Time Sunflowers are falling from the sky and give an EXP bonus.

  EU Servers
It has been decided that the EU Servers stay online for extended testing and configuration. During that time the servers could be periodically down for testing and applying changes.
The 2.5x EXP Event has ended on these Servers.

The channel EU 1 is recommended for characters Lv. 1-40 and gives the Dragon Lord's Bless Buff like the Channel US 1.
The channel EU 2 is recommended for characters Lv. 41-85 and gives +10% Channel EXP Bonus (which is EXP x1.1).

With this change the channel US 2 which is recommended for characters Lv. 41-60 now gives +10% Channel EXP Bonus (which is EXP x1.1) as well.