Patch Notes v.0.1.16


- Pre-Update patch for PSB final release.(Level cap raise, Myhome, Wedding System)

Item Mall
- Categories and items adjusted
- Bulk purchase and single purchase now listed under same item selection

- Item name and description 'Lightening' modified

Patch Notes v.0.1.15


- Thanksgiving Weekend experience event(11/24~11/29): 150% EXP

- Turkey Balloon icon added

Item Mall
- Thanksgiving Packages added
- Soulcraft Randomizer and Soulcraft Extractor removed

Soul Craft Randomizer and Soul Craft Extractor Removal

We will be temporarily removing the Soul Craft Randomizer and Soul Craft Extractor item from our item mall effective 11/24/2010. This is temporary removal as the items are repriced and then replaced in the item mall.

Barunson feels that our price point is too low and that selling too many of these items at such a low price point will cause major imbalances in game. We will be temporarily removing these items to re-asses them and see how major their impact is on the community at large. Once this is done we will be reintroducing them at a higher price point that both Barunson and us here at Gravity Interactive can agree on.

We thank you for your understanding in the matter and would like to be clear that this is not our decision but something Barunson feels strongly about and as such we must take it under advisement.

The item will remain on sale until the maintenance period begins. So this is your last chance to purchase these items at this price point, so please take advantage while you can.

Errors Upon Launch

Upon launch some players may experience an error:

1. ‘Execute on Gateway’ error
Solution: Just restart Dragon Saga client again after the error and it will start patching.

2. Korean language error ‘??? ??? ??? ??????’ This error may occur for some users due to previous patching errors. Solution: Open game folder (ex. C:\Program Files\Gravity\Dragon Saga), delete the file Patcher.exe, Rename Patcher2.exe to Patcher.exe. Run Dragon Saga from Gateway again and it will start patching.

Patch Notes v.0.1.14


- Screenshot folder/file names modified
- Intro Movie modified
- Game client .exe file name modified
- Halloween in-game decoration removed
- Modification of game logo shown when game interface is hidden (F10)

Item Mall
- Addition of Guardian Angel's Silver Axe
- Addition of Macro Expansion manual

- Eternity Potion description modified
- Skill window tab names fixed to display correct job titles(Mage/Monk/Priest/Invoker)
- Lv.3200 monsters issue fixed to display correct level monsters