Patch Notes v.0.1.21
Item Mall
- 40% EXP Boost Potion Sale(till 1/2/11)
- Word filter adjustments
- Item description corrections
- In-game text localization adjustments
Hardware Update Maintenance 12/27/2010
We will be having a Hardware Update Maintenance on Monday, December 27, 2010 starting at 2:00 PM PST until 5:00 PM PST. The following network WILL be affected:
WarpPortal Forums
Gravity Blog
WarpPortal Web games
WarpPortal Support
Dragon Saga web
FTP Download servers
Theses servers will be available intermittently during this period. The Gateway may be down, however Dragon Saga, FreeStyle, and CrimeCraft will still be playable..
Thank you!
Patch Notes v.0.1.20
Item Mall
- Christmas MyHome items added to Item Mall
Christmas Tree, Christmas Fireplace, Christmas Wallpaper
- Christmas BigWheel costumes added(12/18/10)
- Quest and in-game text localization adjustments
- Word filter adjustments
- Crash during 0.1.19 patch issues resolved(12/18/10)
Paris Strikes Back Final Release (v0.1.19)
* Maximum level increased from 65 to 70
* Wedding NPC and Quests added
* Battle Square map levels adjusted
* MyHome feature opened
* Recommended Channel Fixed
* Open Market Search Functions Improved
* Christmas Balloon Event Added
* Christmas Style Decorations Added
Bug Fixes
* Solar Earring UI tool-tip issue fixed
* Defense Mode
* Fixed a problem of short-cut button inactivate issue when party members get out.
* Fixed a problem of invisible monsters and the stage completion when party members out.
* Fixed NPC name display bug in the UI when completing quest
* Set item table structures corrected
* Guild member kick abilities adjusted
* Fixed bug of mail not being sent correctly when large number of mail are sent
* Globule Pill item now heals Vella's poisoning Level 1
* Black Tree Root item buff and tool-tip fixed
* PVP lobby bugs fixed
Patch Notes v.0.1.17
- Pre-Update patch for PSB final release.(Level cap raise, Myhome, Wedding System) scheduled 12/16
- 20% Conversion Bonus Item Mall points event
Item Mall
- Big Wheel costumes and items modified
- W-Coins added to Item Mall for sale
- In-game Purchase W-Coins button activated