New Dragon Saga Friend: Mrs Husky!


Hello Dragon Saga Friends!


We have introduced the Mrs. Husky mount in the Item Mall. It can be colored with Pet Dye Potions and comes with 7 color variations.

Here you can see how they look like:




Mrs. Husky is a strong first lady and comes with car stats. Also she's growing. When you opened the egg she will be a small puppy until you advanced her the first time (Pet Level 20). The puppy has no riding skill but can collect stuff for you (This is Mine! Skill).

Mrs. Husky eats Mount Food at all stages - even when she's still a puppy. Also if change the color of the puppy she will take the color with her into her adult state.


We hope you enjoy this mount!


PS: At the moment you can get Mrs. Husky including one Pet Dye Potion for only 350 IM Points at the Event Tab of the Item Mall.