Patch Notes 12/05/24 - Double Helix, XMAS and more!


Maintenance Notes

Patch Version 0.11.74, Client Version:

Server Maintenance
2024-12-05, 11:00 Server Time

Thanksgiving Event 2024

This Event has ended.You can still exchange event items until December 12.

Evolution Accessory Grind Event

Monsters inside Dungeons (except of Temple of Water) and Mission Maps starting with Mirinae Sanctuary are dropping a Double Helix. You can trade these at the Vending Machine for Evolution Accessory Set parts.
The Event runs until December 19, 11:00 Server Time.

X-Mas Calendar Event

Since December 1st the NPCs at Port of the Winds have a small gift for you.

Everyday another NPC at PoW will have a Christmas Gift for you. Just go and grab it once per day for each character which is Level 40+. You will get one gift everyday until December, 25th.

Bug Fixes and Changes

- Fixed a bug that caused the Wood Rush skill (and possibly other similar skills) to not recognize monsters and fail doing damage to them when being in a scaled party.

- Changed the Achievement Noob Helper to be working with scaled parties. The counter is increased when a scaled player is doing mission map runs together with unscaled players. Additionally we added the Achivements Noob Helper 1000 and Noob Helper 2500 where you have to run 1000 resp. 2500 missions as scaled player.

Item Mall

Featured Items (until December 19, 11:00 Server Time)
Atlantis Weapon Box – 80 IM - Special Options can be created!
Aztec Silver Weapon Box – 80 IM - Special Options can be created!
Beautiful Rose Box – 80 IM - **NEW: Special Options can now be created!**
Farrell's Dragon Balloon Box – 80 IM- Special Options can be created!
School Backpack Box – 80 IM - Special Options can be created!


Sprayer Apprentice Outfit

Goldenrod Knit Outfit

Khaki Knit Outfit

Tiger-Patterned Hoodie

Lovely Penguin Costume

Red Cutie Attendant Uniform

Drummer Popstar Outfit (male)

Dance Popstar Outfit (female)


Junior Sprayer Outfit [Special]

School of Sorcery Uniform [Special]

Watch Tower Guard Set (male) [Special]

Watch Tower Guard Set (female) [Special]

Senior Sprayer Outfit [Artifact]

Low Rider Set [Artifact]

Accurate Marksman Set [Artifact]

Legendary Low Rider Set [Legendary]

Master Sprayer Outfit [Legendary]