Patch Notes 9/14/23


Maintenance Notes

Patch Version 0.10.84, Client Version:

Server Maintenance
2023-09-14, 11:00 Server Time

Grinding for Food Mini Event
This Event has ended.

Talk like a Pirate! Day Event
" Why are pirates pirates? cuz they arrrrrr"

Pirate's Hideout Event

Arg me mateys! The great Pirate Hideout has been discovered in Dragon Saga!

There be a new event mission map in town, and it be for all level o' players beyond level 25, with monsters that scale to yer level! Run the Pirate's Hideout F1 Mission Map to obtain marvelous treasures in the form of mission rewards.

Once ye have made it through the perilous gauntlet of Pirates and scallywags, at the end of this mission you will see two deadly bosses. One of them is the terrifying Hookah, but the other changes with the shifting sea! You will either face off with Alvida or Kalygon. Once you have battled these monstrous foes, they will drop grand pirate treasure chests! Be ye careful though, all monsters in the finale boss room will have to be killed to complete the map.

You may find inside this treasure chest a Slice of Cake, Yogurt, a Balloon, a treasure piece or, if ye be unlucky, junk! Don't worry though; you can always be selling the junk treasure for 10 silver to any shop NPC.

What about them glittery treasure pieces ye ask? The treasure pieces be needed to be exchanged to a Chucky's Clothing Gasha Box, which may be randomly yields a pirate clothing or th' mighty rare animated Moby Whale balloon. Where have you seen him before?

As fer them shiny mission end rewards, ye can get:

Repair Hammers
An EXP potion
Weapon Enchant Dust
Armor Enchant Dust
A Pirate's Weapon Gasha Box (only S~SSS Rank)
Pirate's Diamonds (only S~SSS Rank)

Ye can also trade 4 Golden Woodie Statues, 2 Silver and 2 Bronze Woodie Statues at the Hookah NPC by starting the repeatable quest 'Barter ye Booty' (level 25+). If ye be wanting to unlock this repeatable quest you have to complete Hookah's 'Enter th' Hideout' Quest (Level 25+) once on yer pirate fightin' character.

Ye can get get a Pirate Clothing Chest or an [Event]Cpt. WoodstockSupport Matey.
Th' [Event] Cpt. Woodstock Matey can be upgraded to a High Stat Support Matey usin' th' Pet Upgrader Item from the Item Mall at NPC Amy's shoppe.

And if ye have some of them Pirate Diamonds, ye can trade 10 at a time at the Hookah NPC by starting the repeatable quest 'Shiny Diamonds' (Level 25+) for a Big IM Consumable Gasha Box which randomly yields Event IM Consumables.

So go get that pirate treasure, before the time is up, and those scurvy pirates sail back out to sea!

The Pirate's Weapon Gasha Box contains Captain Nemo's Bowinstead of Hookah's Rifle because of the issues with animations for some skills.

The event stays until October 5, 11:00 Server Time.

Changes to the Fifth Hero Bracelets
There have been several changes implemented to the Fifth Hero Bracelets and how to obtain them.
First of all, all versions of the Bracelets, Talismans, Kickballs and Shields have been removed from the drops. They are no longer able to be obtained. Additionally the still dropping [Hero] Fifth Hero Bracelet and the ones you have equipped or in your inventory have been renamed to Impure Fifth Hero Bracelet. They can be identified by their red border around their inventory icon and they can be sold only once. Additionally there is a Purified Fifth Hero Bracelet available now which is the only exchangeable at NPC Edward to the Fifth Hero Bracelet of the Fallen .

The Impure Fifth Hero Bracelet can be converted to a Purified Fifth Hero Bracelet at NPC Edward by using additional 20 Essence Purifiers from the Item Mall.

Important! The Impure Fifth Hero Braceletis only dropped by Desinty. The mini bosses do not drop anything anymore. The Purified Fifth Hero Bracelet is account bound!

There are 2 other ways to obtain a Purified Fifth Hero Bracelet at NPC Sasha Tesler:

- Free way to obtain it: Exchange 100 Impure Gaseous Essence of Destiny to 1 Purified 5th Hero Bracelet
- Fast wayto obtain it: Exchange 10 Impure Gaseous Essence of Destiny and 20 Essence Purifiers from the Item Mall to 1 Purified 5th Hero Bracelet

The Impure Gaseous Essence of Destiny can be obtained by completing the repeatable quest offered by NPC Dr. Tesler where you get 1 Impure Gaseous Essence of Destiny for slaying Destiny. (10% damage rule applies). It is fully restricted (including Account Vault).

Item Mall
Featured Items

Special Offer (until September 21, 11:00 Server Time)
10x Essence Purifier (280 instead of 320 IM Points)

Event Items (until October 5, 11:00 Server Time)
Crazy Johnny's Pirate Weapon Box – 80 IM Points
Parrot Wing Box – 80 IM Points
Kalygon's Parrot Balloon Box – 80 IM Points
Colorful Eye Patch Gasha Box – 80 IM Points

Bi-Weekly Rotation Items (until September 14, 11:00 Server Time)
Zodiac Silver Weapon Box – 80 IM Points
Zodiac Gold/Black Weapon Box – 80 IM Points
Lord's Wing Box – 80 IM Points
Mysterious Party Mask Box – 80 IM Points
Farrell's Dragon Balloon Box – 80 IM Points

Sprayer Apprentice Outfit

Vintage Popstar Outfit (female)

Punk Rocker Popstar Outfit (male)

Marquis Kulon Outfit (male)

Marchioness Kulon Outfit (female)

Skater Outfit (female)

Skater Outfit (male)

Pink Tiger-Patterned Hoodie

Trainer''s Uniform

Pirate King Costume

Pirate Captain Costume

Woodie Leg Costume

Pirate Worker''s Costume

Junior Sprayer Outfit [Special]

White Smith Set [Special]

[Best] Fantasy Priest/Pythoness Outfit [Special]

School of Sorcery Uniform [Special]

Senior Sprayer Outfit [Artifact]

Landlubber Outfit [Artifact]

Low Rider Set [Artifact]

Colonel Uniform [Artifact]

Dark Magician Set [Artifact]