Language survey for 10 Ring Coins!


**Get a code for 10x [Event] Ring Coin for free**


Take part in a short survey and get a code for 10 free [Event] Ring Coins.
EN Survey

Nimm an einer kurzen Umfrage teil und sichere dir einen Code für 10 freie [Event] Ring Coins.
DE Survey

Participe à un bref sondage et obtiens un code pour 10 [Event] Ring Coins gratuits.
FR Survey

Participa en una breve encuesta y consigue un código para 10 [Event] Ring Coins gratis.
SP Survey

Participe de uma breve pesquisa e receba um código para 10 [Event] Ring Coins gratuitas.
PT Survey

**Important Information**
The code which can be redeemed in-game will be sent to your e-mail address. WarpPortal is sending out these codes once a week. So it might take some days until you receive it.