Patch Notes 9/28/23 - Farm and Production Update


Maintenance Notes

Patch Version 0.10.86, Client Version:

Server Maintenance
2023-09-28, 11:00 Server Time

Talk like a Pirate! Day Event
The event stays until October 5, 11:00 Server Time.

DragonSaga Evolved Update
The future of the Dragokin Classes
As we already announced the creation of the Dragokin classes is no longer possible. With the release of the new game chapter in 2024 these classes will be entirely removed and the player will be able to convert their Dragokin into one of the two available classes (Twin Fighter to Warrior and Summoner to Magician) each. For more details on this please refer to the Patch Notes from September 21, 2023.

Twin Fighter: PvP Adjustment
The Skill Power Weaving has been disabled for BSQ and EW.

NPC Harvey - Adjustment
The prices at NPC Harvey have been adjusted:

- Insurance Scroll: 12 Broken Relics
- Reinforced Insurance Scroll: 15 Broken Relics
- Good Shop License: No Change
- Soul Craft Randomizer: 22 Broken Relics
- Pet Option Randomizer: No longer available

The prices for the bigger packages have been adjusted accordingly.

Farm and Production System Update
With today's update the Windy Farm has been removed. AFK Gathering is no longer available. If you are still residing on this map you can leave it through the map portal to get back to Port of the Winds. All gathering locations have been disabled and the NPCs have been removed.

This is the first step of the final Farm and Production System rework.
You can now accept a quest at NPC Midas 4 times a day. For this quest you need to enter the new dungeon which can be entered through the former Windy Farm Portal. You need to do this dungeon solo. It cannot be entered when being in a party of any kind . In this dungeon no event items are dropped and you don't get any end rewards. Instead you are teleported out after killing all monsters on the last map. The dungeon consists of 4 maps with each having an end boss. You have to defeat all monsters inlcuding the boss to move on to the next map. NPC Midas wants you to kill all 4 bosses 3 times per quest. The reward for each quest are 30 Ancient Lockets which can be exchanged at NPC Bessie now standing to the right of Midas.

Bessie will give you items for the lockets which which formerly had to be produced in the old production system. There is no need to produce anything manually anymore.

You are able to obtain 120 Ancient Lockets per day by completing all 4 daily Quests from Midas.

The products are sorted by Level ranges. Only players being the particular level or above have access to the particular exchange:

2* (Lv. 2) Items: Lv. 20+
3* (Lv. 3) Items: Lv. 27+
4* (Lv. 4) Items: Lv. 37+
5* (Lv. 5) Items: Lv. 47+
6* (Lv. 6) Items: Lv. 57+
7* (Lv. 7) Items: Lv. 67+
8* (Lv. 8) Items: Lv. 77+

The exchanged items (except HP and MP Injection) are one-time sellable items. The injections will be updated next week.

These Items can be obtained:

HP Injection (5 pcs. for 30 Ancient Lockets)
MP Injection (5 pcs. for 30 Ancient Lockets)
EXP Device (1 pc. for 30 Ancient Lockets)
SoulCraft Expander (5 pcs. for 30 Ancient Lockets)
Impure Soul Force Extractor (2 pcs. for 30 Ancient Lockets)
Impure Soul Force Injector (for Soul Force injection, 2 pcs. for 30 Ancient Lockets)
Impure Enchant Shift Marble

The Impure Items can no longer be directly used for the Shift Systems. Instead they need to be purified using the Purifier Can from the Item Mall (see below) to turn them into a usable item. That can be done through the Purify menu at NPC Bessie. The purified items cannot be traded, mailed or sold.

Shift System Rework
Until October 5, 2023 Enchant Shift and Soul Force Extraction is disabled due to a system rework.
The Soul Force Injection has already been reworked and is available which means you are able to inject your Soul Force capsules you own.

Insurance Scrolls are no longer needed for the Soul Injection System and the success chance is always 100% now. Instead you need 1 Soul Force Injector (the purified one) per stat in the Capsule. For example if your capsule is holding 3 stats (so it is special grade) you need to have 3 Soul Force Injectors for the particular level in your inventory.

Buff Products Menu at NPC Bessie
The Buff Producs Menu at NPC Bessie is currently empty and there is no way to obtain items like the drinks, the statues and the embers. These items will be changed a bit and re-introduced on October 5.

Transition Phase
Until October 12 you will be able to use up your old production materials through the old production system. However, this system will produce Impure items of items needed for shifting. Also all current shifting items are turned into impure ones.

Item Mall
Featured Items

Special Offer (until October 5, 11:00 Server Time)
25x Ring Coin (675 instead of 750 IM Points)
50x Ring Coin (1250 instead of 1500 IM Points)
Jack's Bean Package – 200 IM Points

Featured Items (until October 5, 11:00 Server Time)
Purifier Can (125 IM Points)
4x Purifier Can (500 IM Points)

Event Items (until October 5, 11:00 Server Time)
Crazy Johnny's Pirate Weapon Box – 80 IM Points
Parrot Wing Box – 80 IM Points
Kalygon's Parrot Balloon Box – 80 IM Points
Colorful Eye Patch Gasha Box – 80 IM Points

Bi-Weekly Rotation Items (until October 12, 11:00 Server Time)
Devastation Weapon Box – 80 IM Points

Annihilation Weapon Box – 80 IM Points

School Backpack – 80 IM Points

Beautiful Rose – 80 IM Points

Burnaun Hoggy Ballon – 80 IM Points

Piyo Raincoat

Vintage Tiger-Patterned Hoodie

[Best] Kimono Outfit

Libra Highschool Uniform (male)

Libra Highschool Uniform (female)

Stuffed Bear Doll

Surprise Bear Costume

Pirate King Costume (only one more week)

Pirate Captain Costume (only one more week)

Woodie Leg Costume (only one more week)

Pirate Worker''s Costume (only one more week)

Snow Emperor Outfit [Special]

Luminant Bat of the Meadow Costume [Special]

Assassin Cross Set [Special]
Landlubber Outfit [Artifact] (only one more week)

Dressy Devil Outfit [Artifact]

Spiritual Shaman Set [Artifact]

Fantasy Fox Set [Artifact]