Patch Notes 11/21/24 - Tur-Keys, Black Week, and more!


Maintenance Notes

Patch Version 0.11.72, Client Version:

Server Maintenance
2024-11-21, 11:00 Server Time

I Like! Event

This Event has ended.Even Items can still be exchanged at the Vending Machine until November 28, 11:00 Server Time.

Thanksgiving Event 2024


Thanksgiving is near and it’s time starting to get yourself some chic clothing and prepare some food.

Kill monsters to have a chance to get a Thanksgiving Food Box dropped.
The monsters at the following locations have a chance to drop the box when they're slayed:

- in all Mission Map starting from Mirinae Sanctuary (Arcade Mode and Chaos Mode)
- in Drakos Tower and VanCliff (Regular and Expert Modes)
- in the following Dungeons: Underground Graveyard (Lv. 30 & Lv. 35), Akia Cave, Magma Dungeon, Verdurous Forest, Kundara Dungeon, Red Fox Delta, Specter's Tower (Regular and Expert Modes),

Neve's Ice Dungeon

- Dungeon of Destiny

The box does not not only contain food but also the chance to get a Thanksgiving Surprise Box which contains a lot useful stuff. It can be opened by using a Tur-Key which can be obtained from the the Food Box as well if you are lucky.

Thanksgiving Food Box

This box randomly gives you one of the following:

4x Banana
4x Milk
3x Grapes
3x Lollipop
2x Breadroll
2x Parfait
2x Slice of Cake
2x Yogurt
3x Thanksgiving Surprise Box
2x Tur-Key

Thanksgiving Surprise Box

This box randomly gives you one of the following:

1 of 5 parts of the Chic Modern Set
1 of 5 parts of the Traditional Outdoor Set
1 of 5 parts of the Serious Business Set
Mushroom Balloon
Red Apple Balloon
Turkey Balloon

200x Armor Enchant Dust
200x Weapon Enchant Dust
10x Slice of Cake
10x Yogurt
5x Watermelon Slice

5x High Energy Plasma
1x Mysterious Fragment Box
2x Eternal Coin
2x Tur-Key

1x [Event] Enchant Insurance Scroll
1x [Event] Reinforced Enchant Insurance Scroll
1x [Event] Soul Craft Randomizer
1x [Event] Pet Option Randomizer
1x [Event] Jack’s Potion
1x [Event] Pet Dye Potion
1x [Event] Pet Name Changer


The Tur-Keyis needed to open the Thanksgiving Surprise Boxes. It can be obtained either from the Thanksgiving Food Boxes or from Thanksgiving Surprise Boxes.
The event ends on December 5 at 11:00 Server Time.

Black Week Enchant and Soulcraft Event

Soulcraft and Enchant Success Chance is increased to 2.5x from November 22, 11:00 Server Time through December 2, 23:59:59 Server Time.

Black Week Sale 2024

Many Item Mall Consumable Items are around 35% off from November 22, 00:00 Server Time to December 2, 23:59:59 Server Time. There is no purchase limit for this sale!

Insurance Scroll (10 pcs.) - 42 IM

Advanced Insurance Scroll (10 pcs.) - 55 IM

Reinforced Insurance Scroll (10 pcs.) - 52 IM

Advanced Reinforced Insurance Scroll (10 pcs.) - 65 IM

Soulcraft Randomizer (10 pcs.) - 156 IM

Advanced Soul Craft Randomizer (10 pcs.) - 208 IM

Special Options Creator - 390 IM

Special Options Randomizer (10 pcs.) - 650 IM

Soul Craft Extractor (10 pcs.) - 208 IM

Card Insurance Scroll (5 pcs.) - 104 IM

Prime Pixel Insurance Scroll (5 pcs.) - 98 IM

Purifier Can (4 pcs.) - 325 IM

Essence Purifier (5 pcs.) - 104 IM

Jack's Fermented Potion (10 pcs.) - 325 IM

EXP Potion 3.0x (5 pcs.) - 227 IM

Premium Shop License (10 pcs.) - 156 IM

Account Vault Extention - 30 days - 156 IM

Costume Inventory Expansion - 325 IM

Permanent Vault Expansion - 156 IM

Equipment Inventory Expansion - 104 IM

Consumable Inventory Expansion - 104 IM

Miscellaneous Inventory Expansion - 104 IM

Cash Shop Inventory Expansion - 78 IM

Special Costume Soulbound Remover (3 pcs.) - 162 IM

Artifact Costume Soulbound Remover (3 pcs.) - 195 IM

Legendary Costume Soulbound Remover (3 pcs.) - 227 IM

Ring Coin (10 pcs.) - 195 IM

W-Coin (10 pcs.) - 520 IM

Pet Option Randomizer (10 pcs.) - 208 IM

Advanced Pet Option Randomizer (10 pcs.) - 273 IM

Pet Dye Potion - 130 IM

WarpPortal's Harvest Point Hustle – IM Point Event

The Point Sale event is running from November 22 through December 2.

WarpPortal Energy (WPE) conversion Bonus:
A bonus is given when converting your WPE points to IM points during the event period:

1000-2499 WPE +15% Bonus
2500-4999 WPE +20% Bonus
5000+ WPE +30% Bonus

Bonus when buying IM points via Steam:
1000-2000 Points +5% Bonus
3000 Points +10% Bonus
4000 Points +15% Bonus
5000 Points +20% Bonus

Item Mall

Featured Items (until December 5, 11:00 Server Time)
Protector of the Universe Weapon Box – 80 IM - Special Options can be created!
Round Horns Box – 80 IM - Special Options can be created!
Yongha's Yongha Balloon Box – 80 IM- Special Options can be created!
Lord's Wings Box – 80 IM - Special Options can be created!


Ultimate Hero Set

Pompom Blue Cloak

Professional Skier''s Outfit

Punk Rocker Popstar Outfit (male)

Fashion Popstar Outfit (female)

[Best] High Elf Magic Outfit (male)

[Best] High Elf Magic Outfit (female)

[Best] Marquis Kulon Outfit (male)

[Best] Marchioness Kulon Outfit (female)


High Priest Outfit (male) [Special]

High Priest Outfit (female) [Special]

Nature Guardian Set [Special]

Snow Emperor Outfit [Special]

Spiritual Shaman Set [Artifact]

Crazy Clown Costume [Artifact]

[Best] Ultimate Hero Set [Artifact]

Evil Clown Costume [Legendary] **only available until November 28, 11:00 Server Time**

Legendary Crusader Armor [Legendary]