Patch Notes 08/29/23 - Elements, Enchants, and a Legendary!


Maintenance Notes

Patch Version 0.11.54, Client Version:

Server Maintenance
2024-08-29, 11:00 Server Time

Ultimate Elemental Item Event

This Event is available until September 5.

Weekend Enchant and Soulcraft Event

From August 31, 11:00 Server Time until September 1, 23:59 Server Time
the Enchant and Soulcraft Success Chances are doubled.

Very Important Information for Dragokin Characters

Read this carefully!

With the regular Maintenance on September 5 the login for Dragokin Characters will be temporarily disabled until the transformation to the Human class will become possible. There is no exact ETA when this transformation will be possible but it will take several weeks. During this time we are working on the transition of the items to human classes and testing several other things needed for that.

If you want to transfer items you still have on Dragokin Characters which are NOT Dragokin class specific items to one of your Human characters please do so.

Please know that most items on your Dragokin Char will be transformed to their human counterpart if needed.

Also if you want to take Screenshots of your Dragokin Character to keep it as a memory please do so as well.

After the login to these characters is possible again, it will be transformed to a human character after logging in.

There will be NO transformation NPC as initially planned.

Instead the transformation will be done during the login process by picking one of the Human classes the system will ask you for: Summoner can become either Monk,Priest,Invoker -or- Wizard, Warlock, Sorcerer and the Twin can become Knight, Paladin, Dragoon -or- Gladiator, Myrmidone, Overlord. The stage of your class depends on the stage your Dragokin character has.

General Fixes and Changes

- Fix:Endairon is now giving Hall of Masters points in Expert Mode
- Change:We have changed the Quests Farrell's Diary – Second Part and Fight to Death against Drake!the way that no key is needed anymore to enter the Magma Dungeon. Because of that there is no longer a restriction how often you can enter the Magma Dungeon per day. This resulted in removing the daily quest Stop Lavalon's Revival! as well because it's no longer needed. Also we removed the Fire Scale drop from Lavalon to make it possible that the quest can be completed just by killing Lavalon. However, the 7% damage rule now applies.

Item Mall

Special Offer (available until September 5, 11:00 Server Time)
25x W-Coin (1850 IM Points) – 74 IM Points per item instead of 80 IM Points
50x W-Coin (3500 IM Points) – 70 IM Points per item instead of 80 IM Points

Big Pack Special (extended September 1, 23:59 Server Time)
100x Insurance Scroll – 600 IM
100x Advanced Insurance Scroll – 750 IM
100x Reinforced Insurance Scroll – 700 IM
100x Advanced Reinforced Insurance Scroll – 900 IM
50x Soulcraft Randomizer – 1000 IM
50x Advanced Soulcraft Randomizer – 1400 IM

Extended (featured until September 5, 11:00 Server Time)
Special Options Creator – 600 IM

After September 5, 11:00 Server Time this Item can be found at the Consumable Tab.


New Legendary Costume!
Legendary Crusader Armor [Legendary]

New Costume Stats:
Legendary Crusader Armor

Helmet: Final Critical Success Chance +6%
Top: Max HP +20%
Bottom: Max MP +20%

Gloves: Attack Speed +25%
Shoes: Movement Speed +25%
Shoulders: STR +15, INT +15, Critical Damage +30%
Wings: Max HP +9%, STR +42, INT +42, AGI +42, MAtk/PAtk +265


1 Part: INT+ 77, STR+ 77
2 Parts: Attack Speed +47%, Movement Speed +47%
3 Parts: HLT +57
4 Parts: AGI +67

5 Parts: Critical Damage +47%, All Element Attack Rates +5
6 Parts: Min/Max MAtk/PAtk +47%, Critical Def Break Chance/Amount: +3%/+6%
7 Parts: Final Critical Success Chance: +17%