Galaxia Patch Notes! Coming 9/23/13!
Complete Galaxia Update
Increased Level Cap
The new Level Cap has been raised to 85!
New Dungeons along with Additional Mode
- New Legendary mode has been added for Players who are 80+
· Taurus (Monday)
o Entrance Item: Golden Wool Coat
o Entrance Quest: Key of Moonlight (Monday)
o Monster: Europe/Minotauros
o Reward: Key of Moonlight
· Cancer (Tuesday)
o Entrance Item: Leading Compass
o Entrance Quest: Key of Flame Star (Tuesday)
o Monster: Keyrab
o Reward: Key of Flame Star
· Virgo (Wednesday )
o Entrance Item: Key of Blue Star
o Entrance Quest: Key of Blue Star (Wednesday)
o Monster: Hades
o Reward: Key of Blue Star
· Scorpio (Thursday)
o Entrance Item: Feather of Pegasus
o Entrance Quest: Key of Green Star (Thursday)
o Monster: Kingspion
o Reward: Key of Green Star
· Hydra (Friday)
o Entrance Item: Goddess’ Harp
o Entrance Quest: Key of Gold Star
o Monster: Hydra/Hydra(Right)/Hydra(Left)
o Reward: Key of Golden Star
· Ophiuchus (Saturday & Sunday)
o Entrance Item: Constellation Ring
o Entrance Quest: Find Possessed Pheos
o Monster: Pheos/Pheos changed/Serpents
o Reward: Constellation Ring
New Achievements have been Added
- Galaxy Rookie – Defeat the Serpent Boss for the first time! = Int/Str + 15
- Galaxy Veteran – Defeat the Serpent Boss 10 times = Int/Str + 20 Movement Speed +5%
- Galaxy Expert – Defeat the Serpent Boss 20 times = Str/Int/Agi/Health + 25 Movement Speed/Attack Rate/Casting Speed + 10%
The Galaxy Thief Drops
- Myriad of Treasure Boxes
- Potions
- 20% chance of Star Sign Golden Dust
Treasure Box has a Chance of Dropping
- Star Metal Piece
- Taurus Star Stone
- Cancer Star Stone
- Virgo Star Stone
- Scorpio Star Stone
- Hydra Star Stone
- EXP Potion Box
- Weapon Enchant Dust
- Armor Enchant Dust
- Soul
- Star Sign Key
- Protector Key
- Taurus Fragment
- Cancer Fragment
- Virgo Fragment
- Scorpio Fragment
- Ophiuchus Fragment
- Star Sign Gold Key
Virgo F6 Mode
- 4 Modes to Conquer! Normal, Rare, Hero, Legendary!
- Grab the latest Necklaces with this mode
New Items to Acquire and Combine
- You can grab Lv. 8 Cards from Legendary Dungeons or acquire them from Crete
- A myriad amount of Item Combinations will be available to you
- A new armor set has been added for each of the classes with a Normal Set, Rare Set, and Hero Set
- New Zodiac weapons have been added for each class. For the first time ever, there will be a Normal, Rare, and Hero version of each weapon
- New rings and necklaces will be given to you in the F6 and in Item exchange.
- Item Combination can create High Lv. 8 Cards along with Stella Rings and Necklaces.
- Necklaces and Rings can now have Sockets
Accessories can be Enchanted
Accessories can be Exchanged at Crete!
Some Changes have been done for Max Stats
Max Evade - 50%
Max Block - 0%
Max Critical Success Rate - 35%
Max Critical Damage - 400%
Max Evade - 50%
Max Block - 40%
Max Critical Success Rate - 20%
Max Critical Damage - 300%
Max Evade - 50%
Max Block - 0%
Max Critical Success Rate - 20%
Max Critical Damage - 300%
Earth Master
Max Evade - 60%
Max Block - 0%
Max Critical Success Rate - 20%
Max Critical Damage - 300%
Max Evade - 50%
Max Block - 0%
Max Critical Success Rate - 20%
Max Critical Damage - 400%
Max Evade - 60%
Max Block - 20%
Max Critical Success Rate - 35%
Max Critical Damage - 300%
Max Evade - 50%
Max Block - 40%
Max Critical Success Rate - 20%
Max Critical Damage - 300%
Max Evade - 60%
Max Block - 20%
Max Critical Success Rate - 35%
Max Critical Damage - 300%
Max Evade - 60%
Max Block - 0%
Max Critical Success Rate - 35%
Max Critical Damage - 300%
Max Evade - 50%
Max Block - 0%
Max Critical Success Rate - 20%
Max Critical Damage - 300%
Some Skills have been Updated
Sword Dance - Instead of Instant Damage.. it's now Long Range Damage.
Spin it Bear! - Now has a .8 Cast Time at Max Level.
Spear Jab - Now shares a Cool down time with Cross Cut.
Cross Cut - Now has a Cool down time of 5.0 Seconds instead of 6.0 Seconds at Max Level. Shares a Cool down time with Spear Jab.
Recovery Blessing - HP MAX can be increased up to 25% at Max Level(Added)
Defensive Blessing - Total DEF/MDEF can be increased up to 40% at Max Level.
Offensive Blessing - Total ATK/MATK can be increased up to 15% at Max Level.
Sacred Protection - Range has been doubled.
Stumblebum - Reduces Evasion up to 73% at Max Level.
Silence Trap - Now it can silence up too 100% for 10 Seconds at Max Level.
Two Action Shot - Pierces up to 11 Targets at Max Level.
Fire Grenades - Instant Cast and after Level 3 can be used mid-air..
Caused Bomber - After Level 3, it can be used mid-air.
Flash Bang - Now the Area of effect has been increased and after Level 4 can be used mid-air.
Muddy Mud - The Evade Rate has been reduced. Up to 50% at Max Level.
Thunder Break - Cloud is now transparent.
Hypnotizer - Now has a reduced Debuff time, at Max Level.. up to 10 Seconds.
Regarding Rates
- Physical attack rate (Old) = Char’s physical attack rate X ( 1 + extra physical attack rate(%) ) + item’s extra attack rate(definite) + buff/option extra attack rate(definite)
- Physical attack rate (New) = (Char’s physical attack rate + item’s extra attack rate (definite) + buff/option extra attack rate (definite) ) X ( 1 + extra physical attack rate(%))
- In total, % rate adding effect like Skill Buff or Set Option are giving way more attack rate than it should be which is giving big advantage to Warrior/Magician classes who originally has big stat numbers for their items.