Server Maintenance at 3:00PM PST! 4/23/2014!

Hop to it... Dragon Saga Peeps!

At 3:00PM PST(4/23), we will be doing a Server Maintenance for Dragon Saga. Start of new Events and more Artifact Gear!

Once again, at 3:00PM PST! Thanks so much for your cooperation and patience.

  • The Chocolate Factory has ended!
  • The Singapore Event has ended!
  • The Soul Box Event has ended!
  • Head over to the Vending Machine in the Port of the Winds to trade 25x Essence of Black Claw Nest for a Black Dragon Nail. Only for a Limited Time!
  • Black Dragon Lord Medals can be purchased within Black Dragon Camp!

Item Mall

  • Poseidon(Artifact) Set has been added to MixBoard for a Limited Time!
  • Character Card Changer is now available in the Item Mall for 100 Points!
  • Tuna Weapon Boxes will be put on sale for a Limited Time!
  • The Hummingbird Egg. Bulldog Pet Egg, Rooster Pet Egg, Eagle Pet Egg has been added to the Item Mall!
  • Easter Pet Gasha 1 and 2 have been added to the Item Mall!

  • Want updates on all the new content coming out this Summer? Check out our Official Dragon Saga Facebook for all the details!

Server Maintenance at 3:00PM PST! 4/16/2014!

Be aware... Dragon Saga Peeps!

At 3:00PM PST(4/16), we will be doing a Server Maintenance for Dragon Saga. Ending Events and More!

Once again, at 3:00PM PST! Thanks so much for your cooperation and patience.


  • Level Up Event will be ending!
  • The Soul Box Event will be ending!
  • The Chocolate Factory is Back! So many tasty Sweets~ It starts today and will end March 19th, 2014 EXTENDED! Both F6 and F7 Tickets will have a chance of dropping off any Monster! Still! We know! Enjoy~
  • A Mysterious Portal has appeared in Port of the Winds! Speak to Colin for more details! We are aware of the Dungeon Entrance not working(Waiting on a Fix) (Might not be working 100%. Doesn't work with channel 4)
  • Head over to the Vending Machine in the Port of the Winds to trade Black Claw Nest Fellowship Supply Box for a Black Dragon Nail. Only for a Limited Time!

Item Mall

  • Character Card Changer is now available in the Item Mall for 100 Points!
  • The Silly Rabbet Set(Special) has been added to the MixBoard.
  • The Formal Easter Bunny Set(Advanced) and Rabbit Costume Set(Normal) has been added to the BigWheel.
  • Tuna Weapon Boxes will be put on sale for a Limited Time!

  • Want updates on all the new content coming out this Summer? Check out our Official Dragon Saga Facebook for all the details!

Server Maintenance at 3:00PM PST! 4/08/2014! Level Up Event!

This time... Dragon Saga Peeps!

At 3:00PM PST(3/26), we will be doing a Server Maintenance for Dragon Saga. The Coin Rates can't be increased so we will be reducing the rates for the Soul Box + Double the Rate on Weapon Enchants and More?


  • All of monsters of Dragon Saga have eaten the entire stock of Silver Gacha Coins! Killing them will get you a chance to grab them. Once you have 5 Silver Gacha Coins, you will be able to trade it for a Soul Box in the Port of the Winds. This Event will start on 3/12 and end 3/26/2014 EXTENDED! You only need 5 Silver Gacha Coins now instead of 30! Still! We know! Enjoy~
  • All of monsters of Dragon Saga have eaten the entire stock of Silver Gacha Coins! Killing them will get you a chance to grab them. Once you have 5 Silver Gacha Coins, you will be able to trade it for a Soul Box in the Port of the Winds. This Event will start on 3/12 and end [3/26/2014] EXTENDED! You only need 5 Silver Gacha Coins now instead of 30!
  • The Chocolate Factory is Back! So many tasty Sweets~ It starts today and will end [March 19th, 2014] EXTENDED! Both F6 and F7 Tickets will have a chance of dropping off any Monster!
  • A Mysterious Portal has appeared in Port of the Winds! Speak to Colin for more details! We are aware of the Dungeon Entrance not working(Waiting on a Fix) (Might not be working 100%. Doesn't work with channel 4)
  • On-going Event! Trade in one Sadonyx(Found on any vendor that sells vendor) to the Vending Machine in Port of the Winds for a Dragon Lord Medal!
  • Bottom, Gloves, and Shoes has been Doubled for this week! Be sure to take advantage of it!

Level Up Event! Starting at level 20, all players will receive a reward item at every 5 levels gained (25, 30, 35…).
Reward Items ::

  • 20~40: 1x Premium Blizzard Muffler Gasha Box
  • 45~60: 2x Premium Blizzard Muffler Gasha Box
  • 65~85: 3x Premium Blizzard Muffler Gasha Box

Premium Blizzard Muffler Gasha Box:
Randomly yields one of the following...
- Premium Blizzard Muffler Max HP
- Premium Blizzard Muffler Crit/MP Rec
- Premium Blizzard Muffler Agi
- Premium Blizzard Muffler Crit/Evade
- 50x Monster Card Insurance
- Grand Merchant Certificate +100
- 2x Portable Emerald Hammer
- Wanderer Merchant Summon Scroll - 7 Day
- 10x Basic Fire element
- 5x Soul Boxes
- 6x Lv2. Fire Spiritual Drop
- 4x Lv3. Fire Spiritual Drop
- 2x Lv4. Fire Spiritual Drop
- 2x Monster Card Treasure Box
- 2x Grand Merchant Certificate +10
- 6x Portable Ruby Hammer
- 5x Portable Sapphire Hammer
- 4x Portable Amber Hammer
- 3x Portable Garnet Hammer
- 5x Immortality Capsule 50
- 5x Soul Capsule 50
- 10x Grand Merchant Certificate +1
- 30x Gada Coin
- 10x Teleport Card

Item Mall

  • BigWheel Costumes Changes(More Details to Come)
  • Easter Pet Gasha Box #1 and #2 will be in the Item Mall for a Limited Time!

  • Want updates on all the new content coming out this Spring? Check out our Official Dragon Saga Facebook for all the details!

Patch Notes 0.2.84


Patch 0.2.84



Due to the recent increase of hacking incidents and compromised accounts, a new security feature will be added with this patch. After tomorrow maintenance, your game account will be locked to the first device you log in from. Once the device is registered, the account will be inaccessible from any other device.


Patcher Update

New chat room feature is added to the patcher. While you wait for the patching process for to be completed, you can freely chat with other patching users. You can meet new in-game friends even before you get in the game!


Relic Grade Soulcrafting

Additional Soulcrafting grade added. New Relic grade soulcrafting will be opened. Now you can have gears with 6 soulcraft options.


Ill-Mannered Activities

Gravity’s new ill-mannered activity policy will be enforced starting this week. Any user found guilty of ill-mannered activities, such as harassment and foul language, will be assessed IM point penalties. If the account does not have enough IM points to pay the penalty, it will be indefinitely suspended until the penalty is paid on our website


Language Filter Feature

The chatting window will have a new button “Filter”. You may submit any word under this feature to block it from the chatting window. When 100 players submit the same word to be filtered, it will be globally blocked in the chatting window


Friday Night Fights Returns!

Our Friday night PVP event returns with a twist! Every Friday, we will be running a 24 hour King of the Hill PVP tournament. Starting at 12:00AM, 2 random participating players will be selected for a duel. The winner of the duel will continue to fight the next participant until they lose a match. The player that is the winner at 12:00AM Saturday, will be declared the winner. The rewards for the event will be announced each week.


Old and New Event

We are bringing the old with the new! Do you have a character that you created long time ago but never reached the max level? Log in to that character this week and we will be jumping that character to max level with full level 80 gears sets.


Open Referral Event

Do you want to be rewarded for spreading the word about Dragon Saga? Anytime you mention Dragon Saga on your Facebook or Twitter account, you will receive a coupon code link with a $10 Visa Gift Card. Event expires 3/31/2014.


Lucky Dog Event

Have you ever found money from where you weren’t expecting? Remember how good that felt? We want to bring the same feeling to our players. Everyday this month, we will insert 100,000 Item Mall points and 1 Million Gold to a random character that is in our database. Make sure to log in to your characters to find out if you are the Lucky Dog!




All patch notes above subject for cancellation at 11:59PM tonight

Server Maintenance at 3:00PM PST! 4/02/2014! Armor Enchant Increase!

Another week, Dragon Saga Peeps!

At 3:00PM PST(3/26), we will be doing a Server Maintenance for Dragon Saga. Some Armor Enchant Rates will be increased and more! Which ones would YOU like to see?


  • All of monsters of Dragon Saga have eaten the entire stock of Silver Gacha Coins! Killing them will get you a chance to grab them. Once you have 5 Silver Gacha Coins, you will be able to trade it for a Soul Box in the Port of the Winds. This Event will start on 3/12 and end [3/26/2014] EXTENDED! You only need 5 Silver Gacha Coins now instead of 30!
  • The Chocolate Factory is Back! So many tasty Sweets~ It starts today and will end [March 19th, 2014] EXTENDED! Both F6 and F7 Tickets will have a chance of dropping off any Monster!
  • A Mysterious Portal has appeared in Port of the Winds! Speak to Colin for more details! (Might not be working 100%. Doesn't work with channel 4)
  • On-going Event! Trade in one Sadonyx(Found on any vendor that sells vendor) to the Vending Machine in Port of the Winds for a Dragon Lord Medal!
  • Headpiece, Shoulder, Chest has been Doubled for this week! Be sure to take advantage of it! The Weapon Enchant rate has been changed back to it's normal account.

Item Mall

  • The Hephaistos Set(Artifact) has been added to the MixBoard for a Limited Time!
  • Red Dance Casual Set has added to the BigWheel.
  • Armor Enchant Dust for 500 for only 150 Item Mall Points!

  • Want updates on all the new content coming out this Spring? Check out our Official Dragon Saga Facebook for all the details!