Server Maintenance 12/27/2017

hello Dragon Saga Friends!
Our weekly maintenance will be on 12/27/2017 at 1200 Server Time! Updates will be posted before the maintenance is complete!

Patch Notes 12/20/2017


Maintenance Notes
Patch Version 0.6.26, Game Version:
Server Maintenance
2017-12-20, 12:00 Server Time
Note: Patch notes are subject to change.

New Option Auto-create Party


The new option Auto-create Party when entering Instance has been added to the options menu at the misc tab. When this option is checked a party (default name, equal loot, 4 players) is created when entering an instanced map (dungeon or mission map) if the entering player isn't currently in a party already. The option is disabled by default. The option is stored locally and affects the client and not a single account or character. If you set this option to enable if will stay enabled even when changing character or account.




Fixes and Changes

- the mission Attack 1 time with Storm Blade has been fixed to be give to the correct class in BSQ
- the mission Attack the Core 3 times has been removed from EW
- the mission Survive 30 seconds after  3 core attacks has been removed from EW
- added mission Attack 1 time with H.E Grenade for the Marksman class to EW and BSQ
- added mission Attack 1 time with RPG-7  for the Marksman class to EW and BSQ

The Dragon Saga Team wishes everyone Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas!

Server Maintenance 12/20/2017

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
Our weekly server maintenance will be on 12/20/2017 at 1200 Server Time! Updates will be posted before the maintenance is complete!

Server Maintenance 12/13/2017

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
Our weekly Server Maintenance will be on 12/13/2017 at 1200 Server Time! Updates will be posted before the maintenance is complete!

Patch Notes 12/6/2017


Maintenance Notes
Patch Version 0.6.22, Game Version:
Server Maintenance
2017-12-06, 12:00 Server Time
Note: Patch notes are subject to change.


Black Friday Week Sales 2017 
The Black Friday Week Sales are ending on December, 6th at 12:00 Server Time.



Enchant and Soulcraft Success Rate Event 
The Enchant and Soulcraft Success Rate Event is ending on December, 6th at 12:00 Server Time. The quests Get my Point and Scroll down a bit! are ending as well.



Guild Emblems
New guild emblems have been added.