Dragon Talk: A New Monthly Dragon Saga Livestream!


Hello Dragon Saga Friends!

Want to hear about all the new awesome stuff being worked on for Dragon Saga this month? Well get ready, we are launching a new Dragon Saga Livestream on Tuesday, 04/12/2016 at 10:00 Server Time! Dragon Talk is going to be a new segment we have at the beginning of every month on our twitch channel, where our Dragon Saga Producer Alteris will go over what the Dragon Saga Team is currently working on, and has planned for the game!

This weeks livestream will also feature some sneak peek preview images of what the team is looking to add to Dragon Saga!

And like all of our livestreams, if you cannot make it during the event, you can always catch it on the Warpportal Youtube Channel after! We will be sure to post a link to the Youtube Video once it is up!