Maintenance Notes
Patch Version 0.11.50, Client Version:
Server Maintenance
2024-08-15, 11:00 Server Time
Grab-A-Weapon Event
This Event continues until August 22, 11:00 Server Time
Special Options — for IM Balloons
Special Options Creatorscan now be used for all
non-Event Item Mall Ballons:
Dr. Farrell's Dragon Balloons
Dr. Parrell's Cutie Balloons
Little Helper Balloons
Little Devil Balloons
Yongha's Yongha Balloons
Shelldon Ballons
YongYong Balloons
Pyrei's Pucky Balloons
Burnaun's Hoggy Balloons
Kalygon's Parrot Balloons
The special options all eligible balloons can get are:
STR +3,+6,+9,+12,+15
INT +3,+6,+9,+12,+15
HLT +3,+6,+9,+12,+15
AGI +3,+6,+9,+12,+15
Movement Speed +2%, +4%, +6%, +8%, +10%
Attack Speed +2%, +4%, +6%, +8%, +10%
Min/Max Physical Attack +100, +200, +300, +400, +500 (for physical classes)
Min/Max Magic Attack +100, +200, +300, +400, +500 (for magic classes)
Min/Max Attack Values count as one stat even though
they are shown as 2. They always come together as a combined stat.
Information:When a Balloon is Special Option
randomized with a Physical class there is a chance to get Min/Max Physical
Attack. If randomized with a Magic class there is a chance to get Min/Max
Magic Attack. In conclusion, a Physical class can not get Min/Max Magic
Attack by Special Option randomizing and a Magical class can not get
Min/Max Physical Attack by Special Option randomizing.
After using the Special Options Creator on the eligible weapons
the following special options are always given:
Physcial Class:
STR +3, HLT +3, AGI +3
Magic Class:
INT +3, HLT +3, AGI +3
General Fixes and Changes
- Change:The Balloons which can be obtained from
the Vending Machine for 10 Silver Coins have been replaced by the 3 Pixel
Saga Balloons.
- Update:The lighting of the
Dangerous Caverns
Mission Map has been reworked by our Map Maker. It has been already
implemented on August 1 but forgotten to be mentioned in the patch notes.
Item Mall
Special Offer – It's back again!
(until August 22, 11:00 Server Time)
10x Special Options Randomizer – 900 IM (you get one for free)